online advertising strategy

pbb bestbuy
3 min readMay 10, 2019


Online advertising is about creating your website for people who are interested in your product or service. There are several ways to use websites on the Internet as contextual advertisements on search results pages, banner ads, rich media ads, social advertisements, online classified ads, integration of pop-ups to websites visited, ad networks, and email marketing, including e -mail spam. In most cases, it is better to include different types of media and different versions of online advertising.

Search engine advertising is a method of placing online advertisements on web pages that display search results based on keywords and phrases entered by internet users or potential buyers. The top three sources for this type of ad are Google and Yahoo. Ads on search engines work in accordance with the principle of search and simple offers.

Contextual advertising, also referred to as contextual advertising, is based on keywords in the content or surrounding context. This means that your ad will appear on websites that are “in the context of” your particular product or service. This advertising technology will publish your text or multimedia ads on related sites that best match the keywords or channels you choose. This is usually less profitable than search ads based on user intentions expressed by the keyword.

There are three common ways to buy online advertising space for various types of advertising materials:

* Cost per Click, also called Pay-Per-Click, means that payment for an ad is proportional to the number of unique clicks on banner ads. Cost per click is different from the cost per visit because each click is paid regardless of whether the user reaches the destination. You can choose a fixed or cost-based pricing scheme for cost-per-click advertising. The disadvantage of the cost-per-click advertising model is that it can be compromised by click fraud.

* Cost per thousand impressions means that the payment method is based on the number of views. This advertising model is usually provided for websites with high traffic (more than one million pages per month). The total price paid in the “Cost per thousand impressions” transaction is calculated by multiplying the cost per thousand impressions by cost per thousand units. For example, one million impressions of $ 10. The cost per thousand impressions is equal to the total price of $ 10,000.

* The purchase action or price also referred to as “tin price”, means payment is based on efficiency and is a common method in affiliate marketing programs. In this ad schedule, publishers take full risk of showing ads, and advertisers only pay for the number of users who make transactions, such as purchases or registrations. According to industry observers, this is the best payment rate for banner ads and the worst costs.

Online advertising is very flexible and cost effective so even small businesses can look for online advertising because many types of advertising are paid without payment, as long as there are no results. This type of strategy can make advertising very profitable, especially for those who do not have a large advertising budget. Online marketing services are incomplete without online advertising.

In this business world, the need for online advertising is very important. Online advertising companies can help their customers promote their products on the Internet and reach their target audience. The future of online advertising and online advertising companies looks bright and very interesting.

