Forced Adoption: Labour Party Grand Camouflage 2018–21 And The Truth.

Adoptee Watch UK
8 min readJun 18, 2024


On the Moons Of Sir Ted And Sir Resku — Art By Paul Brian Tovey

Make it “Historic” Get The Party Of The Hook And The UKIP Factor

Who raised the issues in Parliament of “Forced Adoptions” before Alison McGovern Labour MP ever put them forwards for a 2018 July 18th debate in Parliament ? That will shown very shortly.

That 2018 debate though was couched under the flag of feminism so that eventually a politically shaped Human Rights Inquiry limited to “historic” examination of “Forced Adoptions” (1949 — 76) could be done by 2021 under the Chair-woman-ship of Harriet Harman Labour MP.

Harriet Harman has always projected herself too as a feminist politician.

Labour in that 2018 debate were trying to claim a “feminist” flag but it appears that flag was seriously under-inclusive of so many women who were victims to “Forced Adoptions” from 2002 onwards. Why exclude them ? Let’s try to unravel the record, and truth but also show quickly now, who raised the issues of Forced Adoptions before they were all neatly back-pasted into the past by Labour.

From the Hansard 2018 debate :

The answer to the above issue of who raised the concerns of “Forced Adoptions” was seen almost three years BEFORE the 2018 Labour shaped debate; which Labour finally made it into a “Historical” Forced Adoptions (1949 — 76) debate. This avoided critique of the Blairite, Labour-made 2002 Adoption Act with it’s overuse of Adopting children without birth parent’s consent.

A very concerned UKIP MP, Douglas Carswell, raised real concerns (shared by others) in 2015 on November 25th. You will see in Hansard those present were also a concerned Conservative Female MP Lucy Allen (Telford) who also stated this :

From Hansard Nov 25th 2015

To many though, Douglas Carswell MP, will be a curiosity since UKIP was thought of as “right wing” and lacking perhaps in empathy. Not so with Mr Carswell. It’s notable he NEVER talks about “historical” Forced Adoptions but ones which were happening in the Labour/Tory years from 2002–15 . He is recorded by Hansard as saying:

Alison McGovern MP. though and the Labour Party, appear to have made sure alongside agreeable Tories that any “Forced Adoptions” 2002–18 (For the planned later 2021 Inquiry? ) would not be exposed inside the debate. A deal was struck? It smells like it.

That is a fair comment because all references in that 2018 Hansard Debate shaped by Labour’s Alison McGovern MP only uses the “operational” term : “Historical”.

The term was repeatedly used 11 times to emphasise what becomes a bit of a clever Labour stitching-up some people might argue to avoid critique of it’s own created “Forced Adoptions” 2002 onward.

The Labour 2018 “Forced Adoption” debate creates a sense confusion about “Past and Present” eventually in retrospect, and obfuscated “Forced Adoption” issues of the then present. Any of the general public though would have thought “Forced Adoptions” would have been a socially inclusive term and would have also meant ANY “Forced Adoptions” 2002 onward should be included in a later 2021 Inquiry.

That proper social inclusion of ALL Forced Adoptions by the Joint Committee Of Human Rights in 2021 would have brought sharper light to the Labour Party’s practices of child removal/Adoption from parents, from 2002 and it would have shone light on the Tory plans to do the same. Instead organisations like Not Separation with more “current” post 2002 “Forced Adoptions” were forbidden a hearing.

Tony Blair’s Adoption Act 2002 (sect 52) had underpinned no consent was needed from birth parents regarding Adoption, if courts felt they should be over-ruled. Many people argue that has been an overused section of the Act against the interests of children and birth-parents for years from 2002–24 .

From Cherry Casey’s report Oct 22nd 2022

Certainly the late Christopher Booker Journalist too was writing about “Forced Adoptions” from the Blair years onward in both the Daily Mail and the Telegraph 2010. He features on Ian Joseph’s Professor of Law’s website, Ian Josephs is a staunch supporter of birth parents who are innocent of being accused of abuses or others facets of poor care which result in children being taken away by the State.

Christopher Booker passed away in 2019 and everyone lost a keen eye on policy contradictions and harms caused by Blair, Tory policies, and perverse Social Work over-reactions, aided by Family Courts in the uses of “Forced Adoption” 2002 onward, with of course Section 52 of the (Blair inspired) Adoption Act being used too readily to dispose of parental consents.

On a site hosted by Christopher Booker states the Political raison d’etre of taking kids away from parents in the wake of a dramatic failure by Social Services to remove an abused child “Baby P” who died tragically in 2007 :

Christopher Booker Journalist Hosted By

“Forced Adoption” as a piece of qualified language (limited to “Historical” 1949 -76 experiences) it must be argued has been politically played with by the Labour Party who know it’s policies on Forced Adoption and Child Removal have been creating pain and injustices.

Surely that is a dishonest, deceitful, considering experiences of many “underclass” birth parents who have claimed or exposed the system as being over-reactive but are unable to correct matters even when parents are shown not to be abusers? Forced Adoption is a widespread current-history phenomena see this full report linked here

The grand camouflage of the “Forced Adoption” issues and the change of language to “Historical” which in 2018 the Labour Party created, hides their part in the scandal of many (mostly concealed) more current Forced Adoptions from 2002–24.

The Labour Party created the Adoption Act’s 2002 architecture which has been used in a “Right-Wing” punitive way and that was easily improved upon by the steerage of (Adoptee) MP Gove, and Timpson MP (with two Adoptee brothers) and others from 2013 onward. Pro-Adoption “successful” Adoptees or their families are involved a lot in pushing more Adoption and even Tony Blair lionised Adoption because his father was a successful Adoptee. The problem is they don’t have a monopoly on truth or the hell of harms caused.

In the period of 2010 onward, and later, more child removals happened and a tougher operational ethos on parents was created amongst Social Workers with the push from the architect of better “performance” Secretary Of State Michael Gove MP and the then new 2010 Social Work Reform Board…

2010 Extract

The Tories in concert with Labour agreement, have increased a Regional Adoption empire across the UK whilst serving it up with large financial supports AND the Adoption Support Fund (2015 — ) now reaching £300 million (by 2023). Did anyone suffer as a result of no new money being found but being taken away from birth family help ?

Civitas Paper By Judith Pepper 2018

The perfect 2002 ongoing social storms hidden in family’s lives started by Labour with “Forced Adoptions” and their moral/political response by 2021 to it, is under-whelming and even undermines feminism in it’s partiality, but it’s also diversionary. They did look in 2021 as if they were going to create social good and justice whilst actually grandly camouflaging problems of “Forced Adoptions” on their own watch 2002–10. By 2021 too they were doing their Tory Adoption bedfellows a favour by not mentioning “current” “Forced Adoptions” . Who had control of the Chair ? Harriet Harman MP .

If in 2021 onward Labour had succeeded obtaining a Government apology for “Historic” Forced Adoptions 1949–76 it would at the same time avoided any such Forced Adoption claims on them from 2002–24. Perfect ..

But the Tory’s would not apologise. They left the matter for the future so Labour too could be exposed.

The story has deeper rabbitholes. In 2018 Alison McGovern MP and the Labour Party had shaped “Forced Adoption”, changed then to a HISTORICAL debate as we now know clearly. We also see MAA (Movement for Adoption Apology) sitting in at the debate and Stephen Twigg Labour MP linked to them. How much did MAA know? Were they aware their “historical” pain could be so easily used against the interests of mothers and others from 2002–24 with State “Forced Adoptions” with the State claiming child abuses on birth parents that those parents could barely fight?

Family Courts are often virtually unchallengable with their “civil” levels of proof and “what the judge believes” . A 51% starting bar of proof is not good enough.

Stephen Twigg Labour MP :

No-one can doubt the pain of MAA mothers. I cannot either, since I am an Adoptee writing this and have witnessed the terrible agony that haunts mothers and others lives of continually-lived-losses and living emotional torture across generations for not having attachments to people one is born to, or family with. People die of this or have shortened lives of deep pain. I know I’ve worked in Mental Health scenarios and am part of a mothers and others community of such people.

The purpose of this article is to show how easy it is by politicians and those that support them, to pervert the course of insight and moral justice away from seeing what there is really to see — that namely political parties will avoid the pain to themselves of what “Forced Adoption” policy monsters they created in office and throughout 2002–2024 ..

We, (TakenUK and I) have done and are doing a (still active) survey of Forced Adoptions/Care Orders 2002–24 .. At 137 mothers and others, below is just one bar chart out of over 40+ below. The proof of pain continues to grow and yet we are inside political changes that may take years before any hearings can examine what Labour and Tories did in the years 2002–24 regarding Forced Adoptions/Care Orders together with the regalia of out of control Family Courts fed by Social Worker over-reactions.

Another future “Historic Forced Adoption” Inquiry is predictable for the years 2002 onwards. The Labour Party and Tory Party shelved 2002–24 all for another political age — until it’s all “Historical” …

Taken From The Forced Adoption/Care Orders Survey 2002–24 showing Adoptions Only On This Chart Of June 2024
Forced Adoption Survey Art — Paul Brian Tovey June 2024

Key refs :

Link To Diary Of The Ongoing Survey 2024 (Christopher Booker)



Adoptee Watch UK

Retired Ex Statutory Monitor of Mental Health Services Designs And Delivery (Pro Bono) . Artist/Poet/Sculptor For Fun And Therapy . Primal Therapy background