Google chrome crashes

2 min readJul 7, 2017


Google Chrome users have been trapped with a fastidious concern. According to the reports, numerous Web browsers are familiar with recurrent Google chrome crashes each time the user attempt to move away from the YouTube page.

The Google chrome crashes classically arises after the YouTube video has completely buffered in browser and the user tries to shut the tab or move to other page by clicking on the link or by typing another address in the Omni bar. Chrome stuck up and pressurizes user to resume the browser and renovate every earlier pages and anxiously shut reopened page of YouTube previous to Google chrome crashes.

While a few users have recommended that Google chrome crashes are connected specifically to Adobe Flash, one representative from Google has pointed that YouTube Google chrome crashes concern are not connected with flash versioning.

In other expressions, executing the much explained swindle of immobilizing Flash .DLL in the window namely “chrome: //plugins” are not to repair the YouTube Google chrome crashes difficulty for every users. Removing Flash within the Chrome and then re-setting up the plug-in does not emerge to concentrate on Google chrome crashes trouble, nor does altering YouTube to HTML5 screening method defend against upcoming Google chrome crashes.

So what may the Chrome user carry out to maintain the browser living and yet acquire in one’s every day dosage of videos? It appears that clicking on the video in YouTube and then choosing “Stop Downloading,” yet if video has previously encumbered wholly within browser window, avoids Google chrome crashing.

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