Non Registered Rent Agreement is now a Valid Address Proof for Passport Applications

priyanka Chabbra
4 min readOct 9, 2017



If you are an Indian, and you do not hold a Passport just because you don’t want to follow the complicated formalities and the procedures, so here comes a good news for you. Taking ahead an excellent workmanship Sushma Swaraj led the Ministry of the External Affairs and introduced some new modifications in the process of applying for a Passport. The objective of these rules is to minimize the complexity in the process of Passport Application. Today in this article, we are going to discuss the new rules which has introduced for Indian Passport Application.

Below mentioned are all the amendments that are required for filing a Passport.

  • Proof of Address: Earlier, the applicants were finding it difficult to obtain a passport, as the rent agreement they possessed is not the registered one. Therefore, to solve these issues faced by the Bonafide applicants, the Ministry declared that

the unregistered agreement will also be considered and accepted as a valid proof of address by the Passport Issuing Authorities for the grant of Passport Facilities to the applicants

  • Proof of Date of Birth: Earlier, an Indian resident who was born on or after January 26, 1989, has to submit their Date of Birth Certificate as the Proof of Birth. But according to the new rule of Indian Passport, it is not mandatory to submit the Date of Birth Certificate. The person who is born on or after January 26, 1989, can submit any one of the following:
  1. Birth Certificate
  2. PAN Card
  3. Matriculation Certificate
  4. Aadhaar Card
  5. For the Government Employees: The ones who are currently working can submit a copy of the extract of their Service Record of an individual. And for the retired employees, they can submit the Pay Pension Order with the Date of Birth mentioned. Both the certificates must be duly signed and authorized by the administrator in charge Ministry of Department.
  6. Driving License
  7. Election Photo Identity Card
  8. Policy Bond issued by the Public Life Insurance Companies/Corporations mentioning the Date of Birth.
  • Name of Mother and Father: Earlier, while issuing for a Passport, mentioning both Mother’s and Father’s name was mandatory. But now according to the New Rule, any individual can mention any one of the following names in the application form: mother/father/legal guardian.
  • Number of Annexures: Previously, there were 15 annexes to be filled as prescribed under the Passport Rule 1980. But in the new rule, you have to file 9 annexures as some annexures have been merged whereas, some annexes (A, C, D, E, J, and K) has been removed.
  • Passport for the Children of Single Parents: Earlier, while applying for a Passport providing names of father and mother was mandatory and both the names should be printed on the passport. But according to the new rule of Passport issuance, the single parents who want to issue the passport for their children have an easy application form. They can also even file a request for not printing the name of the father and mother in the passport.
  • Attestation of the Annexes: Earlier, there was a rule that all the annexes that was prescribed under the Passport Rule 1980, must be attested by any Notary/ First Class Judicial Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate. But according to the new rule, all the annexes can be submitted self-declared on a plain paper and no attestation is required.
  • Marriage Certificate for Filling a Passport: Before, the Annexure A or Marriage Certificate was compulsory during the issuance of the Passport. But in the new rule of issuing a passport, there are no such obligations and a married couple may file for an Indian Passport without a Marriage Certificate.
  • For Divorced or Separated Person: Earlier in the old Passport Rule, the divorced applicants were forced to mention their spouse’s name while issuing for a Passport whereas, in the new rule the divorced or the separate applicants can file for a passport without mentioning their spouse’s name.
  • Orphaned Children: Earlier, the orphaned child was supposed to submit proof of date of birth like Birth Certificate or Matriculation Certificate or a declaratory letter by the court mentioning the Date of Birth. But in the new rule, a letter declaring the date of birth of the Orphaned Child in the letterhead of the Orphanage which is attested by the Head of the Orphanage is acceptable while issuing the passport.
  • No-Objection Certificate for the Government Employees: Earlier, an identity certificate (Annexure B) or a Non-Objection Certificate (Annexure M) from the employer was a must for an Indian Passport. Whereas, according to the New Passport Rule the Government Employee who is seeking for a Passport can just submit a self-declaration in Annexure N, stating that he/she has been given a prior notice to the Head of the Department that he/she is applying for the Passport.
  • Passport Rule for Sadhus and Sanyasis: Earlier, according to the old passport rule the Sadhus and Sanyasis had to mention their parent’s name. But according to the new rule, if the Sadhu or Sanyasi want to mention their Guru Name then they have to present at least one of the following documents- Aadhaar Card, Election Photo Identity Card, PAN Card etc. that has the name of their Guru mentioned under the Header of the Parent’s Name.

Introducing these new rules have made the issuing of the Indian Passport for easy and clear.


