3 min readAug 28, 2014

The Dreaded Computer Screen Freeze: The Top 8 Reasons it Happens

Many people ask, “why does my screen freeze when I try to play video?” Then there’s the people who notice they can’t operate their computers well when trying to use a new program, and just don’t ask about it.

We’re here to let everyone know that they’re not alone. It happens to the best of us, even to the experts – the people that we think know it all when it comes to keeping up with the latest technology.

The top 8 reasons for a screen freeze are shown below:

  1. A hacker found a way onto a person’s hard drive and infected it. If not, they at least harmed certain program and document folders. They usually do this to seek ways to exploit people for money.

2. The user or network is running too many applications at once. This usually happens when one or more machines don’t have enough memory (RAM). We all need enough force behind our PCs in order to execute even some of the simplest tasks. It also happens when two or more programs require some of the same .dll files to run.

3. The operating system and the program are a mismatch. In other words, they’re not compatible with one another. For instance, perhaps someone just tried to install an older version of Adobe Creative Suite on a Windows 8 PC. Chances are it won’t work as well as the new CC that’s out right now.

4. Programs installed do not have all the files they need. This usually causes specific errors followed by a number such as “1722” – or some really long one with a bunch of “x’s” and zeros in it. A prompt usually appears saying a certain .dll file is missing or corrupt.

5. The Windows installer needs repair. Oftentimes, this is related to problems with Java. However, it could occur when trying to install any program. All software requires the use of the Installation Wizard in order to allow a computer user to access it.

6. The device doesn’t have the latest version of Java. This makes browsing the Web extremely difficult. It also causes interruptions when trying to play a game or watch a TV show. Countless online programs and offline programs won’t run correctly without updating Java.

7. The internet browser is obsolete. The advancement of cloud-based computing renders many old browsers useless. This also causes a computer to run slow, and it causes internet screen freeze. It’s time to get a new one when searching online is no longer possible.

8. The PC user has neglected to update it. Sometimes people get busy. We get that. However, no one should allow more than a few days to pass before updating a device. This keeps it secure from harmful threats, and it optimizes PC performance.

We understand that the mobile world most very fast. Therefore, we provide a faster way for people to prevent screen freeze. Try PC HealthBoost, a registry cleaner that corrects problems with shared .dlls, file associations, and more.