50 State Postcard Challenge

Rachel Lynn
3 min readApr 5, 2017


From the students of MTsN Terate Pandian Sumenep

My eager students made travel brochures about a US State they want to visit! (And Washington D.C. too)

What is it?
In an effort to share American culture and geography, I am following in fellow PCV Emily’s footsteps and doing the 50 State Postcard challenge! What is the 50 State Postcard Challenge? Well, my students each chose a state that they are interested in visiting, and did some research on their own. They discovered their state’s tree, flower, bird, interesting places, and fun facts. Then, they made travel brochures with all of the information they found. After learning all they could, students thought of one reason they wanted to visit their state, and they’ve shared those reasons in the video below!

Travel brochures for every US state
My counterpart, Bu Evi, myself, and our English club are so excited to receive postcards from the US!

Where do you come in?
As much as we’ve learned from a quick google search, we would like some physical, first hand resources from the states so that we can learn more, see pictures, and experience authentic English material. That’s where you come in! After you’ve watched the video, find the student’s name, and mail us materials featuring your state! It may be your home state, the state you’re currently living in, or even a state you’re just passing through! Postcards are of course the priority, but if you’d like to include brochures or small knick-knacks (like a keychain, something that can still fit in an envelope), we would all love it. Whatever you think my students would enjoy and learn from.

What is the goal?
Our goal is to receive a postcard from every state (and Washington DC)! My students are busy memorizing the state names and where they’re located while they wait to receive their first piece of mail from the United States. It would be an understatement to say they are excited! We made this huge map of the US to help us learn the states and where they are. They did a great job painting all 50 states!

Our gigantic map!
Which of my students chose your state? Watch the video to find out!

How do you send a postcard?

Mail to our school with my name and # included. You can include the student’s name as well on the envelope if you like, but definitely include their name on the postcard!

Mrs. Rachel (0852–3256–0592)
MTsN Terate Pandian Sumenep
Jl. Pesantren (Terate PP)
Sumenep, Madura

Student List

Alabama — Falkhan
Alaska — Nabila & Mery
Arizona — Lita
Arkansas — Adel
California — Rosy
Colorado — Yultia
Connecticut(1) — Faela
Connecticut(2) — Kokok

Delaware — Dewi & Titin
Florida — Risma
Georgia — Jazil
Hawaii — Ida
Idaho — Nevy
Illinois — Ima
Indiana — Dila
Iowa — Taufik
Kansas — Fira & Hefqi
Kentucky — Naning
Louisiana — Irfan
Maine — Iik
Maryland — Nana & Rika
Massachusetts — Luluk
Michigan — Anis J.
Minnesota — Liya & Ely
Mississippi — Atika & Norma
Missouri — Uul
Montana — Dadang
Nebraska — Romzi
Nevada — Anis & Ervina
New Hampshire — Fikri
New Jersey — Ansori
New Mexico — Arya
New York — Fifi
North Carolina — Novan & Bagas
North Dakota — Khom
Ohio — Risqi
Oklahoma — Alvin
Oregon — Wahid
Pennsylvania — Lia
Rhode Island — Ifa & Bela
South Carolina — Kiki & Reza
South Dakota — Burhan
Tennessee — Fitri
Texas — Hilda
Utah — Syaiful & Fani
Vermont — Ucik
Virginia — Waris
Washington — Stefia
Washington D.C. — Rifqi
West Virginia — Putri & Qoim
Wisconsin — Maasid
Wyoming — Ana

If you have any questions, you can email me at mrsrachelmtsn@gmail.com
Thank you in advance for helping us learn!
-Mrs. Rachel and the students of MTsN Terate


