How GPTs Can Enhance Your Prompt Writing Skills

A Conversational Guide To Effective Prompt Writing

Paul DelSignore
The Generator


created using the AI Photo Prompt Builder GPT with DALLE

OpenAI’s release of custom GPTs is revolutionary by making it easy to create and use personalized targeted chat experiences.

Unlike character AI bots which seem gimmicky, custom GPTs can be rich in data and they can execute actions. Most importantly, they are accessible for anyone to build because you don’t have to know how to code to create them.

While OpenAI’s plugins have the potential to deliver custom-targeted use cases, they lack the simplicity and proper user experience. GPTs on the other hand, are community-driven and have a lot more potential to scale.

Currently, the limitation is that building and using GPTs is exclusive to ChatGPT+ users. I really hope that OpenAI will extend this by making GPTs shareable to a broader audience.

GPT Use Cases

Having gotten access to GPTs, I started to think about the many different possible use cases. And by clicking on the ‘explore’ tab, OpenAI provides around 15 default GPTs that are available to use, which also serve to provide you with some ideas:



Paul DelSignore
The Generator

Ramblings on the intersection of technology and culture • Creative Technologist ::