Work with the New Windows 11 and MS Office 2021

4 min readAug 20, 2022

Every year we strive to provide you with a jpg to pdf converter online that gives you faster, better and more PDF features. This year is no exception. The new and improved Able2Extract Professional 17 offers both major and minor updates that strive to take your PDF workflow up a notch. To start, you get major system compatibility updates to the latest Microsoft technology. Also, we’ve added UI support for two new languages, plus an added output format. In addition, we’ve made it easier for you to deal with PDF form data.

converted image files and even PDF text searches online

Included with the new features are enhancements to the OCR and conversion engines for better output results and additional language support. Moreover, there are minor functionality tweaks to a couple of existing PDF features to help tighten up the way you interact with PDF files in Able2Extract PRO. Interested in finding out more? Take a closer look at the all new Able2Extract Professional 17! What’s New in Able2Extract Professional 17? Able2Extract Professional 17 has gone above and beyond to bring you

A PDF experience that exceeds your expectations

while meeting your daily needs. Here’s a bird’s eye view on how you can keep and even improve your PDF workflow with Able2Extract Professional 17. Work with the New Windows 11 and MS Office 2021 One of the highlight updates for this new version is support for Windows 11 and MS Office 2021. So if you’re updating to the latest system and software, you can take Able2Extract Professional with you and keep working seamlessly. Able2Extract 17 is compatible with Windows 11 and MS Office 2021 Starting from this version,

Able2Extract PRO 17 is fully compatible with both the latest Windows

11 OS and MS Office 2021 package right out of the box. Just install the latest version from our website, and you’re good to go! Export PDF Form Data to CSV Users who deal with PDF forms regularly can now better collect and manage the data collected from PDF forms. This new functionality lets you instantly export your essential PDF form data into a CSV file. By doing so, you can analyze and edit the information directly in any application or database as needed. Exporting PDF form data to CSV Convert PDF to and Create PDF from WebP Format New to Able2Extract.

Professional PDF is another conversion and output format

WebP (Web Picture Format). You’ve undoubtedly come across this format as it’s ideal for creating high quality, small sized images that work well online and is natively supported in a majority of browsers. Convert PDF to WebP image You can create PDF files directly from WebP and convert your PDF content to WebP like you would with any other format in Able2Extract Professional. If you need to work with this image format, we got you covered! Get New OCR and Interface Language Support We’re expanding our international reach and have added support for two more languages. In addition to English, French, Spanish and German languages, the Able2Extract Professional 17 interface is now fluent in Italian and Portuguese, as well.

New languages in pdf to word Moreover

this language update also extends to the OCR engine, allowing you to search and convert scanned PDFs that are in Italian, Portuguese, and six additional languages: Greek, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, and Swedish. Select and Search PDF Text Online This latest version allows you to work and interact more directly with your PDF content. Besides the main search function that allows you to sift through your PDF content for certain text, you can now select specific words and phrases and search them online. Search PDF text online If you’re curious

About the PDF content you’re reading

you can dig deeper into the topic at hand with Able2Extract Professional by simply researching it in your default browser — all it takes is a couple of clicks! Instantly Extract all Images from PDF Get access to all the image data stored in your PDFs without losing any quality in the extraction. You can use Able2Extract Professional 17 to extract all of the images in your PDF into individual image files, which can then be reused in other programs.

Extract Images from PDF Other Improvements And Enhancements

There are also features that have been tweaked to polish off your user experience when handling PDF files. Faster Conversion Times The conversion engine in the new version 17 delivers significantly reduced conversion times and memory consumption when converting large PDF files (100–1000 pages). Now, you can do more in less time and focus on the tasks that really matter.

for more : Excel to pdf online conversion ,

