The new Graphtronauts App

Discover our brand new app, your swiss-knife to master the art of delegation and curation for The Graph ecosystem.

Paolo Diomede
6 min readJan 17, 2022

[Update: January 2022 — App Version: v4]

In this article I want to show you the latest updates on the Graphtronauts app, the best App to master delegation and curation for The Graph ecosystem.

If you do not know what is The Graph, and why it is the next big thing in the technology industry, you can read an informative article here:

Here you are the link to our app and below some nice features we recently introduced:


Before starting, I want to reassure you that the Graphtronauts App is a legit app, also supported by The Graph, you can check this on numerous tweets like this:

Dark mode is here!

You can now switch from light to dark mode, both gorgeous themes.

The new App has the dark/light mode theme.

Cost of gas for delegating your GRT tokens

Our users are often complaining about the high cost of gas for the delegation. What we do every day in our community is also to educate people on how to save on transactions fees, and specifically the best time of the day to delegate. But we wanted to do more, for this reason we introduced the ability to check directly on our app how much you will end up paying in transaction fees for your delegation.

How much it will cost to delegate your GRT tokens?

We also publish a weekly fee chart showing how the cost of gas changes during the week, and based on the different time of the day.

You can check our Weekly Fee Chart to see the average cost for a transaction.
What is the best time of the week to save on transaction fee?

One more thing, you can also figure out how many days it will take to cover the cost of gas for the transaction.

How many days it would take to cover the cost of the transaction?

Compare your Indexers

When you need to choose your Indexer, you want to have a side-by-side comparison amongst a short list of indexers, for this reason we have introduced a very useful Compare feature that allows you to select up to five indexers and see their main parameters and statistics side-by-side.

You can select up to five indexers for comparison.

Once you click on compare, you will see the selected indexers side-by-side with all the most important parameters and reward per 1,000 GRT.

Side-by-side comparison of selected indexers.

Indexers’ reviews

We have a new redesigned profile page for our Indexers with all the important data and parameters, plus all the info about their delegators and all the allocations (active/closed).

The new Indexer profile page shows all the important data and parameters.

From the indexer profile page, you can now see the list of all Delegators and the most important data.

List of Delegators for a given Indexer.

Always from the profile page you can now see also the list of all Allocations, both Active and Closed.

List of Allocations, both Active and Closed.

From the profile page you can also submit a Review. Our reviews are one of the most important traits of our community because we understand that APY is not the only important metric to evaluate an indexer. Most of our community members love to interact with their indexers and this is also noticed by many Telegram channels that belong to our Indexers, where there are always interesting and informative conversations. You can think of our reviews like the ‘TripAdvisor for Delegators’.

Then, you need to sign the transaction with your wallet address to verify that you are delegating to the selected indexer.

Finally, you can leave a review by specifying a Rating (from one to five stars) and optionally, you can also leave some Comments.

To submit a review, you must be a delegator of the selected indexer and you need to have been a delegator for at least 30 days. This is to prevent people submitting reviews without not actually being a delegator to an indexer.

If you try to make a review to an indexer without being a delegator, or if you are delegating for less than 30 days, you will get this message.

Mobile friendly

Our website was already mobile friendly, but with our new app we wanted to raise the bar and give our users the best experience when they are on their mobile devices.

Mobile Delegation

One of the benefits of using our Graphtronauts App is to help you choose the indexer that best fits your requirements. Once you found the indexer whom you want to delegate, you can do it directly without leaving the app, by clicking on the Delegate button. From here you will be redirected to ‘Graph Explorer’ where you can start the delegation process.

From Graphtronauts App you will be redirected to Graph Explorer.

If you want to refresh all the four steps needed to delegate your GRT tokens, you can check this article or watch this video on YouTube.

Do you have any questions?

Graphtronauts is the biggest and fastest growing non-official community for long term GRT holders. We are believers in The Graph and the impact it will have on the upcoming Web3 revolution. Our objective is to connect with and educate the broader crypto community, so they may better understand and interact with The Graph’s ecosystem.

If you have still some doubts, or questions, or you want to submit a feedback, you can reach out to us using our social channels: is the biggest non-official community for long term GRT holders.



Paolo Diomede

Passionate about blockchain with the aim of educate people to embrace Web3 and the new world of decentralized applications | Advocate for The Graph ecosystem