Demonstrating Drupal’s impact to evaluators — call for research and statistics

Paul Johnson
2 min readMar 8, 2024


Image by Niklas Ohlrogge

The long term future of Drupal is dependant upon new organisations choosing to develop digital services upon the platform. The CMS market place is huge. We are far from the only choice. Selecting a right platform is a non trivial exercise and encompasses a range of disciplines and concerns.

Evidence of wide spread successful implementation of a system by peer organisations is compelling and reassuring to evaluators.

Whilst it is common oral knowledge within the Drupal community that for good reasons the platform has high adoption in many industry verticals and sectors, this information is not necessarily immediately available to evaluators.

At best the good news is hard to find, at worst an evaluator never discovers it and Drupal doesn’t make the short list.

Research by Grzegorz Pietrzak

Some excellent example exist but I feel certain there are more and these are not easily found:

  1. Global Cities Website Trends by @g_pietrzak
  2. Mapping localgov CMS usage by Collin Stenning
  3. List of Drupal sites in government (state, provincial, or national)
Google map showing content management systems used by councils in the UK and Ireland: Collin Stenning

What’s the solution?

I want to help address this issue. Further to conversations with the #promoteDrupal team I have offered to:

  1. Gather links to existing resources
  2. Identify gaps
  3. Share with those working on improving evaluator user journeys on

Your call to action

Do you maintain research on Drupal adoption in a specific sector, topic area? Are you aware of a resource or have contributed to one such as those listed above?

Join the conversation on this issue at

Let us know where the existing research is and we’ll do the work to ensure evaluators are well aware of the compelling evidence that Drupal is the best choice for their needs.

Thank you!



Paul Johnson

Dad, cyclist, photographer, digital industry. Editor @Drupal. Director at @CTIDigitalUK. Linked in