Determined cyclists brave the ‘great’ British Summer for wind swept photo shoot

Paul Johnson
2 min readJul 28, 2016


Tonight, despite the best efforts of the great British weather, three total strangers travelled from across The North West to assemble on a windswept hill summit in The Peak District.

And they came with noble reasons. They rode to take part in a photo shoot signalling beginning of a significant campaign, having the objective of building greater understanding and cooperation between cyclists and drivers.

Photographer Nathan Chandler has worked with clients including Specialised, Adidas, Manchester United. He has most generously volunteered his considerable skills to complete an ambitious photographic commision which will signal the launch of my campaign BeyondACyclist.

As well as an avid cyclist Gary Thompson, from Poynton in Cheshire, is a Fireman at Manchester Airport.

Gary Thompson

Beyond a cyclist John Logue below, from Manchester, is a Consultant Oncologist at Christies Hospital.

John Logue

The images Nathan captured this evening form part of a series of photo stories being published on the soon to be launched BeyondACyclist web site.

The aim of “BeyondACyclist” is to positively influence the perception road users have of cyclists, raise driver awareness of cyclist’s vulnerability, make drivers aware that every cyclist has loved ones and dependants who need them home safe. To communicate by taking a few just a few moments to think you can spare a life. The campaign was inspired following the tragic death of teacher, husband, father Guy Wharton in an road incident on the Cat & Fiddle pass.

For news and information about the campaign follow @BeyondACyclist on Twitter or join the Facebook Group.



Paul Johnson

Dad, cyclist, photographer, digital industry. Editor @Drupal. Director at @CTIDigitalUK. Linked in