Drupal Pitch Deck initiative update and call for Case Studies

Paul Johnson
3 min readJan 11, 2019


Ahead of Drupal Europe Dries Buytaert invited agency leaders from across Europe to a round table conversation focussed on working together to promote Drupal. The group ideated ways in which we could collaborate to produce materials and frameworks to improve the way Drupal is promoted. From the list of candidate ideas three were voted as a priortity.

  1. Startup of “European area to hire Marketing Resource(s)”
  2. Startup of “Starter kit for Marketing Drupal”
  3. Drupal “Pitch deck” for presenting to (potential) customers

I volunteered to lead the “Pitch Deck” project to support and strengthen the position of those in sales roles who present to decision makers and buyers. We want to help Drupal (agencies, coops, independents) win more often!

Since Drupal Europe, together with Suzanne Dergacheva and Ricardo Amaro, we have recruited a global team of contributors occupying agency leader or sales roles so that we are well informed as to what their requirements are. We have isolated key themes which need to be addressed and designed a slide deck template in Drupal branding.

The Pitch Deck project is now part of the Promote Drupal initiative and has been featured on Dries’ blog.

Right now our focus is on sourcing case study materials. Companies like Previous Next, MD Systems, Inviqa, Exove, Aten Designs, Acquia are already working on or have submitted case study slides of their most significant and noteworthy projects. We have produced a self service Google Slide deck so you can do so too.

The Drupal Association are inviting Supporting Partners and sponsors of Promote Drupal to submit their cases (check your emails next week), but we want the Drupal Pitch Deck to feature a wide cross section of exemplar implementations. From global brands right the way down to innovative start ups and encompassing breadth in terms of sectors and regions, your project is valuable to our library.

Thanks PreviousNext for submitting a case study already!

It is important we make swift progress. The barriers to contribution are low. If you have existing case study materials your valuable contribution will take little time. We invite you to submit your case study as a candidate for inclusion in the deck, Help Drupal win more often!



Paul Johnson

Dad, cyclist, photographer, digital industry. Editor @Drupal. Director at @CTIDigitalUK. Linked in https://www.linkedin.com/in/pdjohnson