DrupalCon Dublin DriesNote in pictures

Paul Johnson
3 min readSep 27, 2016


Today Dries Buytaert presented his traditional keynote to Drupalists from across the globe gathering in Dublin for DrupalCon.

Beyond the celebration of Drupal 8’s success, achieving 6 monthly point releases bringing major new functionality, the keynote focused on the importance of taking time out away from technology and the noise it creates to allow our minds to rest, for deep thinking and perhaps semmingly serendipitous revelation. His zen like state during a recent holiday lead to many of the themes in the keynote.

A recording of the keynote is available here.

With Drupal 8’s semantic versioning comes with new (to Drupal) freedoms to innovate between major versions. Already we have Drupal 8.1 released and 8.2 is on it’s way.

Dries reflected on the stand out events which he recalls from during Drupal’s history. Those moments which had life changing outcomes, where Drupal has had real world impacts.

On May 20, 2013, a tornado devastated Moore, Oklahoma. The next day volunteers at Drupalcon Portland reached out to FEMA to find out how we could help. Within 24 hours 100 volunteers contributed to the Drupal for Oklahoma, #Drupal4OK, effort and launched Help4OK.org. Dries showed this short film about the incredible feat these Drupalists accomplished.

Dries listens to Stan Ascher talk about Drupal4OK

He then illustrated how, just like the Domino Chain Reaction, we all have the capacity to contribute towards achieving big results. Even when our part might seem like a small contribution.

It was inspiring to see Dries stand back and through video let remarkable Drupalists like Zsófi Major and VijayaChandran Mani take centre stage, telling their story of how to software has transformed their life trajectories.


As an employer supporting the Drupal Apprentice Scheme I was delighted to see Dries champion the programme. A graduate of the scheme explained how in London the skills he’s gained now means he has a full time job working with Drupal.

Dries Buytaert fields Q&A from curated from the audience



Paul Johnson

Dad, cyclist, photographer, digital industry. Editor @Drupal. Director at @CTIDigitalUK. Linked in https://www.linkedin.com/in/pdjohnson