Help us create a Promote Drupal Image Library

Paul Johnson
Apr 11, 2024


Over the years I’ve attended many Drupal events, more than often with my camera, always released these with Creative Commons license. I’m not alone, there are several talented photographers who have captured the spirit of the Drupal community so well over the years. And I’ve always wished there was a better place to share these images than Flickr.

Calling all Drupal Photographers

The Promote Drupal team would like to create the first official Promote Drupal Image Library. This will serve as a fabulous resource of assets to support those wanting to Promote Drupal to a wider audience.

Are you a photographer or do you know a photographer who has high quality images which may be available for consideration to be included in the Promote Drupal Image Library?

We’d love to hear from you here.



Paul Johnson

Dad, cyclist, photographer, digital industry. Editor @Drupal. Director at @CTIDigitalUK. Linked in