Priori Data launches usage-based pricing for App Store Intelligence

Track downloads and revenues for any app for $10/month

Patrick Kane
4 min readJul 5, 2016

The App Stores: “Easy” to Enter, Hard to Succeed

Daily global app downloads have reached 50 million. There are 3.5m unique apps and the top 10% command 95%+ of the downloads and 99%+ of the revenue.

The mobile app market is vast, highly concentrated at the top and fiercely competitive below the top; those who participate in it without data-driven insights are immediately disadvantaged in the race.

Too often we see cases like Story Warriors: Fairy Tales, which was recognized as the #4 on Indie Gamer Review’s Top 10 Mobile Games in 2015 but performed like this:

The app intelligence providers have been part of the problem, unfortunately. The “solution” available today is either a nose-bleed high subscription (an average of $80k for App Annie, to name the obvious) or a cheap starter tool that is very information-poor and usually also inaccurate.

And so, while the app market is imminently analyzable, it has remained completely in-transparent to most startups trying to break through to the top.

Our Role

We at Priori Data have an important, constructive role to play in changing this dynamic.

We strongly believe that everyone should be able to afford the tools to make informed decisions and compete in the app market.

Over the last two years we have been proud to work with more than 1,000 app developers/publishers from across the globe, who have collectively outperformed the broader market by more than 2.5x in download and revenue growth.

Being trusted by these companies is great proof that we are on the right path, and they have provided us with a lot of feedback along the way, from tough love to high praise. Now, after a period of product improvement and iterations with our clients and partners, we are ready to take the next step.

Priori Data 2.0

As of today Priori Data is available starting at $19.99 a month (50% off for data partners).

We hope this is a game-changer for the market and will support a new wave of successful mobile app startups. We also think it will benefit the broader ecosystem of mobile marketers, agencies, and investors who are looking to support, partner with, and grow alongside the mobile app makers.

The conviction behind our new launch is clear:

App intelligence should be a utility instead of a luxury and be priced accordingly: we only want to get paid proportionately to the value we deliver to you.

Our new usage-based pricing model fits budgets between $20 and $600 per month in defined tiers (with enterprise level above that) and can satisfy simple competitor tracking to sophisticated, advanced analytics used by Fortune 100 digital companies.

The Priori Difference

Here is The Priori Difference:

  • Simple and convenient. It’s easy to get lost in the endless stream of signals in mobile. Priori focuses on helping you answer three key questions: how are your competitors performing, which markets should you target, and how can you set realistic goals. Simple as that.
  • Accurate and transparent. Market data is a series of educated guesses, ideally based on really good science. But providers often hide behind claims like “the most accurate blah blah blah”. You deserve more than that. While we can’t promise 100% accuracy (pro tip, no one can!), we do give you access to the same validation results that our own team uses so that you can form your own opinion.
  • Affordable and accessible. We have introduced the first market intelligence offering in mobile that starts low and scales directly with your usage. No more tiering based on old-fashioned barriers like country, category, or number of seats. With Priori you can get your entire team on board starting at $10 per app per month.

We believe Priori Data is a truly stand-out solution that uniquely addresses the pain points of startups in the race to the top. It brings transparency and accurate analysis to the marketplace. See for yourself! And yes, we can introduce this value-for-money approach while creating a sustainable, successful business ourselves.

Going Forward

In the coming months we will be introducing more ways to help mobile startups succeed with their apps that leverages our engaged global network of developers, marketers, agencies, and investors who are currently using Priori to, well, find each other!

Thank you to all of those who have trusted us from the start and helped us grow to where we are now. We’re excited to take the next step together and change the face of mobile app intelligence!

From the entire Priori Data team, cheers and onwards.

Twitter: @pdkane

