Travelogue: He Art Museum

Paul Dotta
4 min readMar 20, 2024

[Authors note: This is a try at something different. I include pictures of travel and local living in China with my other articles, so I thought why not focus on that from time to time? China was mysterious to me in 1997 and I’ve been surprised continuously ever since. I believe it is still a mystery to many who haven’t had the chance to visit. I hope to pull the curtain back a bit. Let me know what you think, your input is appreciated and will be put to good use.]

I’ve only recently made the discovery that there are endless little side quests available for a person in China with time, resources, and a modicum of curiosity.

Grinding relentlessly after stats for years in a game, life, that actually (whisper) has no final boss (someone could have told me?), eventually one looks around for diversions.

Express train is THE way to travel in China, at 200km/hr, always on time, no flight shenanigans

So let’s go to Foshan! Only an hour by train from Shenzhen, Foshan is a newly minted Tier 1 city. I’d prefer you didn’t ask me what that means… Foshan is a place I’m familiar with, having visited many, many times over the last two decades. Always visiting furniture exhibitions, furniture manufacturers, and furniture retail stores. Never did I spare a moment to consider the cultural surroundings. So this was like being invited to the house after years working in the barn.



Paul Dotta

American living and travelling in China; meditating and writing about life, health, and Why.