Smart Ways to Eat Healthy on a Limited Budget: Expert Tips and Tricks.

Peace Chinaza Nwosu
9 min readMay 10, 2023


The terms “healthy eating” and “budget” are often seen as two mutually exclusive concepts. Most people consider Healthy food expensive, while budget-friendly food is unhealthy.

However, eating nutritious food does not have to be costly. You don’t have to fret about breaking the bank to eat nutritious food. It is possible to eat healthily without spending a significant amount of money.

One of the best ways to keep you and your family healthy is through healthy eating, yet eating healthy on a tight budget can sometimes be challenging. You may feel the pinch because groceries are now more expensive, and food prices have increased.

Despite the increased food prices, you can still afford a healthy diet.

The good news here is that eating healthily on a budget is possible. All that you need is to understand how to do it. Keep reading to learn more! This article will provide you with some affordable ways you can eat healthily without breaking the bank.

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What is healthy eating exactly

Before we plunge into the tips and tricks of eating healthy on a budget, Let’s start by discussing what healthy eating means.

Healthy food are low in industrial-produced fat, calories, and cholesterol. Healthy Eating means eating nutritious foods that provide your body with the minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants required to perform flawlessly.

Implementing this can reduce the possibility of acquiring long-term illnesses and boost your energy levels.

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7 Tips and Tricks for healthy eating on a Budget

Food is now more expensive than the previous years. The prices of groceries have skyrocketed from June 2022 to April 2023 with these food prices increasing for several reasons, including inflation, scarcity, and other pandemic-related issues.

With the rising costs of healthy foods, it takes time to make the right choices because unhealthy processed foods are often cheaper and more convenient.

You’re not alone if you struggle to eat healthily on a tight budget! Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with seven affordable ways to healthy eating on a budget.

These tried and tested strategies have helped many people, including myself, get creative with their meals, and make healthy eating a reality.

With these few tips, you can eat nutritious meals on a friendly budget without overspending.

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1. Make Plans for your meals in advance: Meal Planning is one of people’s biggest blunders when attempting to eat healthily on a tight budget. However, planning will take a little bit of your time but will enable you to save money and stay within your spending limit while improving your nutrition.

By planning your meals, you can have all the necessary ingredients on hand and avoid last-minute trips to the grocery store. There are several ways to prepare and plan your meals, such as creating a weekly or monthly meal plan or cooking meals in batches. It would help if you look for recipes with ingredients that are inexpensive and make enough leftovers to eat throughout the week. I recommend you use the meal planning app, MealBoard meal planner. This app will help you plan your meals organize your recipes and create your grocery lists.

Consider healthy convenience foods that fit your budget. Also, remember to have a good strategy for preparing and cooking your meals; due to time constraints, I usually plan and shop for my meals on Sundays, but it becomes much easier for me when I plan and shop on Saturdays and then prepare meals on Sundays. Find the days that work well for you. You can take note of any event or situation that will alter your cooking time or ability so you can determine the days and meals to plan. Be consistent in planning and preparing your meals; It will help make meal planning part of your weekly routine.

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2. Create a list: list items you need for your weekly grocery shopping. It will help make your shopping easier and reduce the chance of impulse purchases.

After scheduling your meals, the best strategy is to create a list of the necessary ingredients.

Doing this will save you time and eliminate the necessity for additional trips to the supermarket which can increase your total food expense; you’ll know the exact items to put in your shopping cart and can cook more quickly and efficiently without grabbing products randomly from the shelf.

There are different options to use while creating your list, such as listing on paper or a notepad app on your mobile phone.

I use the Amazon Alexa app with a simple voice command. I’ll say, “Alexa, add shredded cheese, and Heinz corned beef to my shopping list. “Alexa, add oatmeal to my shopping list. Alexa, add eggs to my shopping list.” then, when I visit the grocery store, I open up the Amazon Alexa app and my shopping list is there. It’s so simple!

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3. Buying in bulk: Buying in bulk has many incredible benefits. One of the significant advantages of buying in bulk is saving money.

It is cheaper to buy in large sizes than in units because it costs the manufacturer less to sell products in bulk. Consider buying in bulk if you enjoy delicacies made with nonperishable products, like rice and beans, nuts, grains, snacks, or pasta.

It will save cost and keep your cupboard well-stocked for upcoming meal planning.

Recently I learned that I was spending a lot of money on groceries every month. I had to find ways I could save money without sacrificing the food quality I was eating.

After researching, I discovered that buying food items in bulk can be an ideal way to cut costs. I started by identifying the foods I consumed that I could purchase in bulk.

Then I looked for stores, online retailers, and warehouses that sold these items in large sizes.

At first, I was uncertain about buying such large quantities of food, but I quickly realized that the cost savings were substantial, and it also helped me to plan my meals better; Since I have more considerable quantities of food, I could plan my meals around my available options rather than making multiple weekly trips to the grocery store.

You can develop a system for storing bulk food purchases, like airtight containers and storage bins, to keep your food fresh and organized. Doing this will help you avoid waste and ensure you can always use the food before it goes wrong. You may also buy canned goods in bulk and utilize them to prepare wholesome meals.

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4. Try Cooking at home: cooking at home generally is cheaper than eating out. It may be less expensive.

In most cases, cooking for a family of four costs the same as dining out for one or two individuals. So, instead of deciding to eat out, make it a practice to prepare your meals at home.

You will also benefit from knowing exactly what ingredients are in your food when you prepare it yourself.

Studies have revealed that people who cook more often at home rather than get takeout have an overall healthier diet.

These studies also showed that restaurant meals contain higher amounts of sodium, saturated fat, and overall calories than home-cooked meals. With home-cooked meals, you have complete control over what is going on in your food.

A group of essential ingredients often costs less than a single restaurant dish. You can also get more meals from a recipe you make at home and have leftovers to take to work the next day than if you order takeout.

While some people prefer to prepare their meals for the entire week on the weekends and only need to be heated when they want to eat, others only prepare one meal daily.

Start Preparing your meals at home after a few weeks; you will see the noticeable savings pile up.

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5. Utilise coupons and take advantage of the sales: Coupon is an excellent way to reduce your grocery price, especially if you have a scheduled shopping list. For the ingredients in your shopping list, look for online coupons. You will probably find a coupon you can use, as many are accessible yearly.

Let’s assume you want to shop Heinz products, so go on Google and search Heinz coupons or Heinz coupon codes. You will get different results on the first page of Google, showing all the websites offering Heinz coupons.

You can check out the top 5 websites and select which coupon you want to apply when shopping online. This method provides many offers, like 20% off on your online purchase or free shipping on your order.

If you are a first-time shopping user, you can save up to 50% when ordering for the first time. It is an ideal method to save an extra amount by utilizing coupons to shop online.

If you can discover a coupon for strawberries but not for those blueberries on your list, think about switching to save money. It would help if you searched for discounts and coupons; it is a strategy critical to saving on groceries. So, put your grocery store coupons to work. When something is on sale, don’t be scared of buying a lot of it because you can always freeze it for later.

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6. Consider growing a garden: Growing your fruits and veggies is a fantastic way to save money and ensure you always have access to fresh products.

It doesn’t have to be complex; You don’t need a massive garden to grow your garden. You can produce various fruits, vegetables, and herbs even with a small space.

If you are a beginner, ensure you can try tomatoes and potatoes, then grow more exotic things like asparagus and artichokes.

You will spend less money shopping if you always have a supply of fresh vegetables at home.

Even though you won’t be able to grow a money tree in your yard, the extra money you will save will make it seem like you did.

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7. Purchase generic or store brands: Nowadays, every big store has its store brand, which can be half the cost of other brands because they have no advertising cost and lesser transportation implications.

Purchasing store or generic brands can save you 20% to 40% of your grocery bills.

It can also reduce your food budget by 20% to 30%. Store-brand versions of goods like canned tomatoes, milk, olive oil, frozen fruits, and vegetables, which include the same ingredients, are typically less expensive.

Just examine the ingredients list and nutrition facts panel to ensure you are not purchasing a product with extra ingredients.

Some store run sales on a cycle. Create a way to follow these sales and learn how to negotiate. You can save money at the register by becoming familiar with the store brands that your local grocery store sells.

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Eating nutrient-dense meals in various ways, even on a minimal budget, is possible.

Eating healthy food doesn’t have to be expensive if you organize your meals, prepare meals at home, and shop wisely at the grocery store. Also, remember that consuming many foods high in sodium or sugar may result in several medical issues.

These may prevent you from working as much as you formerly could and may come with health care or medication fees.

Your health is priceless; Consuming nutritious meals will benefit you eventually, even if they are expensive, which they need not be.



Peace Chinaza Nwosu

I am a Content Writer with SEO skills. I have two year experience creating content that generates leads and builds customer loyalty.