AM I LOVED BY EVERYONE? The Quest for Universal Love and Acceptance

Peace Quote
4 min readJun 21, 2024


Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

"The greatest love story is not Romeo and Juliet, but the story of how you learn to love yourself." - Peacequote.

Have you ever found yourself caught up in the never-ending quest for love and acceptance? Have you ever felt like you’re constantly seeking validation from others, only to come up empty-handed? You’re not alone. In fact, many spend their entire lives searching for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. I felt like I was rejected by people around me just because they are acted strange. I was confused if I’m truly love or they just hate me naturally but the fact is that if you are valuable to them and they gain from you, you can never feel guilty if you are loved or not. People seek it from relationships, social media followers, accomplishments, and possessions. But no matter how hard we try, we always seem to come up short. Sometimes ago like two to three years ago, I will check my WhatsApp and will not see any message of HOW ARE YOU? I will be like “Peace, nobody even love you." This affected my communication with people especially if I did not see your message like two days ago. Since I became valuable to some, I know some loves me.

You can’t be loved by everyone but can be valuable to them. Because is not everyone will see you as valuable as you are. And if you believe you are loved, you are loved and if you feel you are not, then you have things to work on.

The love and acceptance we’re searching for can only be found in one place: within ourselves.

Self-love is the key to unlocking true happiness, fulfillment, and acceptance. But it’s a journey that requires us to confront our deepest fears, insecurities, and doubts. It requires us to let go of our need for external validation and embrace our imperfections. It requires us to learn to love ourselves, not in spite of our flaws, but because of them.

Many of us strive for universal love and acceptance, but often end up feeling empty and unfulfilled. In this journey of self-discovery, let’s explore the reasons behind this paradox and uncover the truth about love, acceptance, and self-worth.

The External Validation Trap

We often seek love and validation from others to feel worthy. We crave likes, comments, and followers on social media, thinking that the more people who love us, the more valuable we become. But post doesn’t matters if truly you are loved or not. Value is everything you should have. This external validation is fleeting and unreliable. It’s like building a house on shifting sands – it may look sturdy for a moment, but it will eventually crumble.

The Masks We Wear

We put on masks to impress others, hiding our true selves to gain acceptance. But these masks suffocate us, preventing us from expressing our genuine thoughts, feelings, and desires. We become chameleons, changing colors to fit in, but losing our authenticity in the process. Being genuine to yourself and other will brings you unlimited joy. Just be sincere. You don’t have to fake your followers just because you want people to know that you get 10k followers. Just be sincere, you are oppressing others but you are hurting yourself. JUST BE SINCERE.

The Fear of Rejection

The fear of rejection holds us back from being our true selves. We fear that if we reveal our authentic selves, others will reject us. But rejection is an inevitable part of life. Even if everyone loves us, there will always be someone who doesn’t for no reason. And that’s okay. You can’t be loved be anybody. But some will love you for who you are even without giving any value.

The Power of Self-Love

Self-love is the key to breaking free from the external validation trap. When we learn to love and accept ourselves, flaws and all, we become invincible to the opinions of others. We no longer need everyone’s love to feel worthy; we already know our worth. Tell yourself I’m loved by God and by myself that is why God called me BELOVED.

Embracing Imperfections

Our imperfections make us unique and beautiful. They are a part of our story, our character, and our strength. Embrace your quirks, your flaws, and your scars. They are a reminder that you are human, and that’s what makes you lovable. Don’t be perfect on your sight, because perfect individual doesn’t exist Among men. That’s why they say no man is perfect.

Letting Go of the Need for Universal Love

You don't need everyone's love to be worthy. You only need to love and accept yourself. Let go of the need for universal love and acceptance. Embrace the fact that you will never please everyone, and that's okay.

I'm loved by everyone, but that doesn't define my worth. My worth comes from within. I am enough, regardless of who loves me or doesn't. I am worthy of love and acceptance, not because everyone says so, but because I say so. And that's the most powerful love of all – self-love.

Reflection Questions

1. What are your thoughts on universal love and acceptance?
2. Have you ever felt like you needed everyone's love to feel worthy?
3. What masks do you wear to impress others?
4. How do you practice self-love and acceptance?
5. What imperfections do you struggle to embrace?


Remember, your worth comes from within. You are loved and accepted, not because everyone says so, but because you say so. Embrace your imperfections, let go of the need for universal love, and focus on cultivating self-love. You are enough, just as you are.

