AI Sora’s Overlooked Impact on the Movie Industry

Pearse Devins
4 min readMar 20, 2024


January 1st, 2040

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With ever-evolving technology like Open AI Sora, we are only aware of the positive impacts that it has had on social media and the movie industry. This article will dive into how Sora has had a different impact on thousands of lives and what it was like being on the other side of the screen.

Since its release 15 years ago, AI Sora has had a revolutionizing impact on social media and the movie industry. Filmmakers and content creators have utilized Sora to make their ideas come to life.

Over the years, countless animated and live action movies have come out in all different genres. Many great stories and innovative ways to share have influenced content creation. Also, people have been able to create their own content and big their ideas to life. A majority of people have enjoyed Sora’s impact however, not all.

People all across the movie industry have lost their jobs due to the success of AI Sora. With Sora, filmmakers no longer need editors, screenwriters, or even storytellers. Traditional movie making techniques are no longer requiring these positions causing job displacement.

Sarah, an editor who has been working in the movie industry for over 30 years, lost her job due to Sora. Sarah enjoys how easy-to-use Sora is and would frequently use it to assist her in her job. However, she says that “Because Sora is so user friendly and realistic today that anyone could be a professional film maker.” In today’s film industry making perfect scenes in under 30 minutes is very doable and because of this many editors, artist, and film makers pay the price.

A majority of movies and content filmed today use Sora and generated actors instead of real actors. John, who is an online content creator, is a part of a small population that does not use any AI when filming videos or creating content. He prefers to be traditional and authentic claiming that AI has taken away a lot of the value, meaning, and emotion behind content creation. Additionally, he and other creators that do not use AI have a hard time keeping up with content creation. He claims that what takes him hours to film and edit will take another creator who uses Sora only 30 minutes.


Today, almost every piece of media people see incorporates some sort of artificial intelligence. The impact Sora has had on media over the last 15 years is remarkable. However, uncovering the stories that are overlooked by the positives that Sora and AI have done is something that we can’t ignore.

As the film and content creation industry continues to grow and integrates Sora more and more, it is important to realize and talk about the negative impacts it can have on people’s lives rather than just the positive impacts. The human element is what gives film and content creation its meaning and we must not lose sight of that.

Reflection on Design Decisions

Positive Implications:

  1. Efficiency — able to create content in a fraction of the time compared to filming and editing.
  2. Creativity — Many new ideas and new ways of creating movies and media will come from this.
  3. Accessibility — Once Sora is released to the public, people will be able to create and make their ideas come to life at the click of a button.

Negative Implications:

  1. Job Displacement — Many people will lose their jobs due to Sora new technology.
  2. Ethical Problems— Deepfakes of almost anyone can be made very easily. Also, there may be a lot of copyright infringement with Sora.
  3. Lost Human Factor — Loss of emotion and meaning in movies and media.

Intended and Unintended Impacts:

Intended impacts would include things like creativity, efficiency, accessibility, and innovation. These impacts are all things that Open AI intends to happen when they release Sora to the public. Unintended impacts would be things like job displacement, loss of human factor, deepfakes, and copyright infringement.

Critical Assessment:

Economic Impact: Sora could have a significant impact on our economy. It could bring in and save a lot of money. Without having to do any actual filming, editing, set, costumes, or actors filmmakers would save a lot of money. Also, Sora could create a lot of buzz being a fully artificial intelligence film. However, it could negatively impact the economy with the job displacement it would cause. Countless people who work in the film industry would lose their job to Sora.

Socio-cultural Impact: With Sora being available to the public everyone would be able to voice their ideas. Sora would also give people new ways to learn and influence learning habits. With Sora being free anyone could create media that could help people learn and voice their ideas.


Filmmakers: From a filmmaker’s point of view, Sora could save them a lot of money and time. They would be able to make their ideas come to life without the need of any actors, editors, or yearlong filming.

Employee: From an employee’s point of view, AI Sora could ruin their career. It would take many jobs from people in the film industry and get rid of a lot of traditional roles that would no longer be needed.

