Key Deep Learning Architectures for Visual Object Recognition

Max Pechyonkin
1 min readOct 1, 2018


This series provides overview of some of the prominent neural network architectures. Reading through this guide and all supplement materials will help you develop understanding of the modern neural network architectures and main ideas behind them.

Before starting, you should have some familiarity with the basics of neural networks, backpropagation algorithm and gradient descent. To learn these, I recommend two amazing courses:

  1. Practical Deep Learning For Coders" from
  2. CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition" from Stanford

List of architectures in this guide

Sorted in chronological order.

Coming soon:

  • ZFNet (2013)
  • GoogLeNet (2014)
  • Inception (2014)
  • VGG (2014)
  • InceptionV2, InceptionV3 (2015)
  • ResNet (2015)
  • InceptionV4 (2016)
  • DenseNet (2016)
  • Xception (2016)
  • MobileNet (2017)
  • NASNet (2017)
  • SE-ResNet (2017)
  • MobileNetV2 (2018)

You can also follow my repository on GitHub that has the same content and will be continuously updated.

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