Product — Nymble

Peckish human
3 min readApr 6, 2024


Hey I found your product super interesting. Some weeks back I saw the job post at your startup for senior flutter engineer. So i thought of applying there. I started building some project (as assignment). I even started writing 2 blogs (as you mentioned you want your developer to write some technical blogs). I started researching about your product. Read all your blogs, watched all your videos, etc.

Read some blogs about robotic industry. But everything got into vain. Reason I am not able to understand how does your cooking robot works, what technology it used. I even mailed some of your team members, but noone replied.

So here are some questions I encountered —

  1. what kind or types of food this robot can make, factors on which it depends
  2. What material do they use in machine or pan?

Some hardware related questions —

  1. Contribution of each components? like sensors, list all the compontents they have
  2. Materials used and durability

Software architecture

  1. Control algorithms used for precise cooking control
  2. How is it different from other cooking robots
  3. Sensors, camera, temperature
  4. As hardware is pretty complex, so bugs, or error?
  5. How cooking robot understand about environment, ingredients, etc (technology)
  6. Cooking decision by robot (how?)
  7. Cooking processes and adapting reciepes
  8. which learning algorithms are used and do they improve over time
  9. robot recognized recipes
  10. analysis of ingredients quantities and cooking instructions
  11. robot consistent results
  12. emergency shut off mechanism (in case of error or bug). What factor or triggers it need for emergency shut off
  13. energy efficiency. How does this cooking robot optimize for energy
  14. power requirements and battery life
  15. compatibility with different kitchen setups
  16. As a wise man said we shouldn’t just celebrate the product, we should also celebrate the hardwork, efforts of builder. There should be lot of movies on how some build any stuff like steve jobs with apple or thomas edision with bulb. same way the challenges founders or team faced while making controllers, software work, managing IOT
  17. memory management and hardware registers and peripherals
  18. microcontroller (like how do they use, how does microcontroller fit in the macroview of the product)
  19. Do they have tesla type system like software update
  20. is it fully autonomous, or partial autonnomous

So I had planned of making a virtual chef with whom users can talk, discuss rather than navigating app (alexa version but in video)

Something like this —

This is underdevelopment. You can talk to this hathi or bear (here —

I had planned to make a recipe recommendation system also, a chatbot for food related questions

Here —

But I am sending this proposal to let me in so that you don’t hire someone else while i am making the projects alone

Here is my portfolio in case you want to know more about me (if i fit as flutter intern or not)

These days I am building this —

By the way the story of founder is really inspiring I also want to build products some day.

Here is a product or feature I made in like 8–10 hours

A calorie tracker —

product Demo

How does this work?

Currently this product uses normal image capture function and then detecting object from it and using public food api to get the response (calorie data).

I planned to use realtime object detection but because of isolates, and multithreading I sticked with this.

Features I wanted to build —

  1. Realtime detection of food items or food only (currently this detects everything)
  2. complex calorie tracker (so I came across a great article which used neural networks to detect calorie, they estimated volume also). So I wanted to build this also.
  3. So there was also an interesting article that discussed about detection of different types of food format like liquid, solid etc

Tech stack

front end — flutter

State Management — provider

While building this all stuff I got an interesting idea — Nymble team can add a section in blog or app that discusses what other atheletes, people are consuming e.g bryan johnson blueprint, virat kholi diet, etc

Hope to work with you as flutter intern.

Here is my portfolio —


Peckish Human

