Trailblazing in Space: Shelli Brunswick’s Path to Empowering the Next Gen

Sai Harshitha Peddi
11 min read3 hours ago


“Space isn’t just for astronauts and rocket scientists. It’s certainly for them, but it’s also about health care, agriculture, IOT of things, education, finance, transportation, and public safety” Shelli Brunswick

In the ever-expanding cosmos of space exploration, Shelli Brunswick stands as a beacon of inspiration, blazing trails and propelling us toward a boundless future. In a world where space technology is often seen as the domain of a select few, Shelli Brunswick stands out as a beacon of inspiration, demonstrating that anyone with passion and determination can make a mark in this thrilling field. From her early days in the U.S. Air Force to her current role as a CEO and Founder of SB GLOBAL LLC, Shelli’s story is one of resilience, innovation, and empowerment.

Shelli Brunswick brings a rich perspective and deep vision of the global space ecosystem, advocating for space technology innovation, entrepreneurship, and global partnership. Shelli collaborates with organizations around the world to connect the commercial, government, and educational sectors. This includes speaking at more than 100 global engagements annually to advance space technology. Her role as a thought leader and her engagement with esteemed think tanks such as the Hudson Institute and the Wilson Center, as well as being the BIED Society Executive Director for the Center for International Space Policy, illuminate her capacity to shape conversations around innovation, technology, and policy. She has contributed her expertise to research initiatives for NASA and ESA, shaping our understanding of the evolving global space paradigm.

Formerly a space acquisition, program management leader, and congressional liaison for the U.S. Air Force and COO at Space Foundation, she champions space for all and technology. Her accolades — the Top 100 Women of the Future in Emerging Technology, the Chief in Tech Award, two Lifetime Achievement Awards, the DEI and Role Model of the Year, and more — aptly reflect her impactful presence. As a global champion, she was selected as one of the 100 Voices for Our Planet by the United Nations, demonstrating her impact across a diversity of stakeholders and economic sectors.

In a recent interview, I had the privilege of speaking with Shelli about her remarkable career, the evolving space industry, and her dedication to mentoring the next generation.

“Life is about relationships. It’s about building and maintaining relationships throughout your career.”

Unlocking Leadership Lessons from Space: A Preview of Shelli Brunswick’s Upcoming Book

A Special Preview: Insights from Shelli Brunswick on Her Upcoming Book

I’m thrilled to share some inspiring words from Shelli Brunswick about her forthcoming book, “What’s Space Got To Do With It? Lessons Learned Along the Way.” Shelli graciously provided her perspective on this project, emphasizing the profound insights it will offer to leaders across various fields:

“Drawing on universal principles mirrored in the cosmos, where every star, planet, and galactic event is interconnected, I wrote What’s Space Got To Do With It? to share the invaluable lessons of leadership and innovation that extend beyond the space industry. My 25-year tenure in the global space sector, enriched by interviews with over 200 visionary leaders, has shaped my understanding of the courage, resilience, and creativity essential for navigating and leading in complex environments.”

“This book encapsulates the essence of my experiences and those of other global thought leaders, illustrating how the strategic and forward-thinking approaches used in space exploration can empower individuals in any field. Each chapter, from ‘Seizing the Cosmic Opportunities’ to ‘Navigating the Celestial Rhythms,’ offers actionable advice and strategies designed to inspire and equip readers for success.”

Why now? In our rapidly changing world, marked by technological advances and socio-economic challenges, the need for innovative and adaptive leadership has never been more critical. Shelli’s book provides a unique perspective, blending insights from the space industry with universal leadership principles to guide current and future leaders. Whether you’re leading a startup, navigating policy, or crafting your path in any professional landscape, this book offers the tools and inspiration to think big, act boldly, and achieve greatness.”

I’m excited for the release of Shelli’s book and the valuable lessons it promises to impart. Stay tuned for more updates as it hits the shelves!

A Journey from the U.S. Air Force to Space Leadership

Shelli’s path to space technology was not a straight line but rather a journey with several chapters.

Harshitha: Well, the first thing I would like to learn about is as you travel the world promoting innovation in space technology, entrepreneurship, diversity, and equity, can you give us a brief introduction to the Space Technology?

Shelli: Absolutely. Right now, the space industry is so exciting because, as of 2024, it is a 630 billion dollar industry in 2023, with about 70% being commercial products and services we use every day. When you think about space, people often think of going to the moon and Mars, and beyond. Space is certainly those things, but it’s also about healthcare, agriculture, IoT, education, finance, transportation, and public safety. There are opportunities for everyone to find a way into the space industry, which might be their passion. It may not be as we think of space — outer space — but maybe using space technology here on Earth. Another great thing is that when we think back 60 years, if you wanted to be in the space industry, you were primarily an esteemed professional in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics and worked for one of two countries. Now there are multiple regions of the world that manufacture more than 90 countries operating in space and more countries that want to operate in space as well as use space technology. You also have the diversity of skills needed, so we still need STEM professionals, but we also need business leaders, financial managers, marketers, business developers, artists, and entrepreneurs.

Harshitha: How did you get into space technology?

Shelli: My career has three distinct chapters. Initially, I enlisted in the U.S. Air Force because I didn’t have the money for college and wanted to see the world. The Air Force provided tuition assistance, and I completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Despite not having a STEM degree, I was eventually selected to become an officer and a Space Program Manager. This decision by the Air Force paved the way for my 25-year career in the space industry.

Harshitha: How was your first experience in the Air Force?

Shelli: I loved the Air Force. I was stationed in Turkey, Germany, and Colorado. The military taught me integrity, service before self, and excellence — values I still hold dear. The mentorship I received in the military has fueled my passion for being a mentor today.

Harshitha: You mentioned being stationed in Turkey. How was that experience?

Shelli: I loved being in Turkey. I was stationed at Incirlik Air Base in the southern part of the country. The people were amazing and friendly, the food was delicious, and the scenery was beautiful. The local community was very welcoming to the military, and I made friends from all over the United States. It was my first time meeting people from different backgrounds and experiences. After Turkey, I was stationed in Germany for four years, which was another wonderful experience.

Space Foundation Programs and Opportunities

Harshitha: You told that the Space Foundation program was designed to ensure that every level from aspiring workforce candidates to space professionals has effective role models for the next generation contributors. What exactly do you mean by that?

Shelli: At the Space Foundation, we have several programs that follow our five-step workforce development roadmap. Having a roadmap is crucial for structured progress. The first step is awareness, followed by access, training, connecting, and mentoring.

The first step, awareness, is about building understanding that there are opportunities in the space industry for everyone, not just astronauts and rocket scientists. We need to share that space is also for individuals with backgrounds in business, art, entrepreneurship, and public speaking. It’s about making people aware that there is a place for everyone in the space sector.

The second step, access, is where the Space Foundation excels. We host the Space Symposium, a premier global space event in Colorado Springs every April. This event brings the global space community together, including young professionals through our New Generation program. We also offer a workforce development track, creating numerous access points for individuals to enter the space industry.

The third step is training. The Space Foundation offers various training programs, such as our Space Commerce Institute, which focuses on entrepreneurship facilitation. We also have the Teacher Leadership Cooperation, providing professional development for educators, and curricula to integrate space into classrooms. Our informal educational virtual programs allow us to offer training worldwide. Training opportunities can be through the Space Foundation, the International Space University, webinars, fellowships, or internships.

Connecting is the fourth step, which involves building networks and relationships. It’s essential to join organizations with like-minded individuals, such as the Space Generation Advisory Council, Women Tech Network, or the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. These organizations provide platforms to collaborate, volunteer, and build meaningful connections.

The final step is mentoring. Finding a mentor and being a mentor are crucial for continued growth and access in the global space ecosystem. At any stage of your career, you can mentor someone: young professionals can mentor college students, and college students can mentor high school students. This way, we continuously create access and opportunities within the space industry.

If I had followed my passion, we wouldn’t be talking right now because I would be a professional officer for the Air Force and then I would have gone into space.

Supporting Women in Space

Harshitha: I have a question; how can women support other women in their organization or community? What are your thoughts on expanding leadership opportunities for women?

Shelli: Supporting women in their organizations and communities is vital for fostering inclusive leadership and creating pathways to success. One powerful way to support each other is through mentorship. Being available as a mentor and helping to establish connections can be transformative.

For instance, I know of a woman who launched CEOX, a company dedicated to helping women secure roles in CEOs and on boards of directors. Coming from the tech industry in San Francisco, she recognized the challenges women face in accessing leadership positions and took action to address this gap. It’s crucial to encourage young women early on to envision themselves in leadership roles across various sectors, not just in STEM careers. This involves developing their leadership skills, enhancing communication abilities, and providing mentorship opportunities that pave the way to CEO and board positions.

Additionally, serving as a role model is powerful. Sharing our stories and achievements can inspire others and demonstrate what’s possible. For example, during a Women Tech Network event I hosted for International Day for Women and Girls in 2021, I highlighted global women leaders in the space industry. One participant reached out to me afterward and shared a touching story. Her mother, witnessing the event, saw a space lawyer from Africa speaking. This moment deeply moved her daughter, who had been discouraged by media portrayals suggesting such roles weren’t achievable in Africa. Seeing a role model in that webinar inspired her to pursue a career as a space lawyer herself. I connected her with several space lawyers from Africa to help her start her journey.

Creating platforms like Women Tech Network and engaging in interviews like this one are crucial. They showcase diverse role models and create opportunities for others to see themselves in leadership positions. You never know who might be inspired to become a role model themselves after witnessing these examples. It’s about building a supportive network and fostering an environment where all women, regardless of background, can thrive and contribute meaningfully to their organizations and communities.

Women Tech Network and Future Opportunities

Shelli is a strong advocate for the Women Tech Network, an organization dedicated to empowering women in technology.

Harshitha: What is the Women Tech Network?

Shelli: The Women Tech Network is an amazing organization with a global impact. They focus on women empowerment in tech through leadership development, professional growth, mentoring, and networking events. Their mentoring programs are fantastic, offering opportunities to connect and learn from women around the world.

Harshitha: What would you like to convey to the future generation?

Shelli: Space is open for business, and there are opportunities for diversity of region, people, skills, and backgrounds to come into the space industry. Whether you want to work in space or on Earth, there are opportunities from high school graduates to PhDs. I want to create more access and opportunity so that everyone can find their way into the global space ecosystem.

Harshitha: It’s great that organizations like Women Tech Network provide so many opportunities. During your career, was there ever a time when almost no one agreed with you in a particular situation at work?

Shelli: One thing that comes to mind is that people always say, “Follow your passion.” But I don’t necessarily agree with that. When I was classified as a Space Program Manager, I didn’t know what it was, and I didn’t want to do it. I wanted to be a personnel officer, something familiar. But sometimes, you have to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. The world is changing fast, and it’s good to be open-minded. If I had only followed my passion, we wouldn’t be having this conversation today.

Final Thoughts

Harshitha: That’s insightful. Is there a particular day in your career that stands out as special?

Shelli: One of the best days was May 7, 2022, when I was invited to be the commencement speaker at Colorado State University-Pueblo, where I graduated thirty years ago. It was amazing to stand on that stage in front of 8,000 people and share my excitement and passion for the future. My parents and my husband were there, and it was a proud moment. It was a culmination of my career in the military and space, and it was incredibly rewarding to give back

Harshitha: Is there anything that you would like to say to your past self?

Shelli: Remember that life is about relationships. Building and maintaining relationships throughout your career is vital. You can achieve so much more together. Use social media and other platforms to build and maintain relationships throughout your life.

Never stop learning, The sky is no longer the limit — Shelli Brunswick

Words of Wisdom

In the vast expanse of space exploration and technology, Shelli Brunswick stands as a luminary guiding the next generation. Her journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, vision, and the importance of mentorship. Here are her final words of wisdom for those aspiring to make their mark in the space industry and beyond: “Never stop learning. The world of space technology is ever-evolving, and continuous education is key to staying ahead. Be curious, seek knowledge, and adapt to new challenges. Life and career success are deeply rooted in the relationships you build. Collaborate, network, and nurture these connections. They will be your greatest assets. The space industry thrives on diverse perspectives and inclusive environments. Support and uplift others, especially those from underrepresented backgrounds. Together, we can achieve more. Challenges and setbacks are part of any journey. Stay resilient, believe in your capabilities, and keep pushing forward. Your perseverance will lead to extraordinary achievements. Mentorship is a powerful tool. Seek mentors who inspire you and be a mentor to others. Sharing knowledge and experiences can create lasting impact and foster the next generation of leaders. The opportunities in the space industry are vast and varied. Find your passion within this field, whether it’s in technology, business, education, or any other area. The sky is no longer the limit.”

