A New Reality for HR and Managers

Linder Academy
3 min readFeb 12, 2015


Your company is what your employees think about. Their thoughts will determine everything that happens in your company. How customers are treated. How resources are put to use. And, how they treat each other. So, I’d like to help you consider how you could fundamentally improve what your employees are thinking about.

Certainly, old fashioned methods like setting a strong corporate culture, leading by example and making your employees feel appreciated are effective. But, there is a new reality that will fundamentally change the future of HR and management.

That new reality is a dramatically increased understanding of how our brains work. Experiments have shown that some of this new understanding can be used to increase the performance of employees significantly and help them develop much faster.

During the past year, I have tested ways to use modern brain science to enhance my own performance and that of my employees. The results have been nothing short of amazing. Once I started to apply modern brain science, I became a vastly more effective manager. Many of the vital things I had to do as a manager became easy rather than nearly impossible, energy draining and time consuming.

As I shared my new insights with my employees, I found that people got excited about learning more. It actually created a wave of enthusiasm through the whole company. Then, I realized that every single company in the world could benefit greatly from these ideas.

So, three months ago I founded Linder Academy to help other organizations. Already, I have worked with startups as well as a leadership teams at a huge company, spanning roles from administrators to manager with P/L responsibility for several billion dollars. What I have found is that everyone, who is at all interested in becoming better, becomes more productive and feels better about their work immediately. Sure, it takes several months to get stable massive improvements, but people get enthusiastic from the gains they see right at the start of the program.

The methods can be applied to almost any improvement that your employees aspire to. And, these methods will actually also help your employees figure out what they would rather aspire too. A few examples of positive changes that I have helped people with include:

  • Setting valuable goals and creating plans that take obstacles into consideration instead of just working on the assigned tasks that seemed most important
  • Calmly and effectively handling a controlling boss instead of losing temper
  • Getting motivated by learning from a setback instead of feeling like a failure
  • Becoming motivated to enhance capabilities by taking on challenges in the current role instead of chasing the next promotion
  • Seeing opportunity in own personal development when conflicts arise instead of being angry at others
  • Being excited by taking on difficult situations, realizing that is when capabilities grow the most instead of avoiding tough situations.

These types of improvements are hard to accomplish with traditional management tools. And, it has been notoriously difficult to replicate the skills of those few managers that are able to coach people to successfully change in these ways. As a consequence, 60% of all companies cite leadership gaps as a top business challenge (Bersin by Deloitte). The methods that I have used, however, are relatively simple and can be taught to managers.

So, what should you do next to fundamentally improve what your employees are thinking about? You can dig through the tousands of research reports on the topic, as I have done. But, then you would have to figure out how to actually apply the science practically in a business setting. Alternatively, you could order a seminar from me (linderacademy.com).

Given, the tremendous value these types of changes in employees can lead to and the relative simplicity in teaching managers the skills necessary, it is hard to imagine a future where HR and management won’t be fundamentally changed by the new findings in brain sciences.

For more information visit: linderacademy.com.

Also, join my free Webinar for CEOs and HR Directors on Monday 16th, February, 2015, 12pm-13pm CET.

