Alpha Closure, PEDI Wallet, Roadmap for Q3,Q4

Tree3 Network
3 min readJun 30, 2018


Pedity Roadmap and future plans

Closure of Alpha

We are happy to share that Alpha is closed now. In Q2, we added several features such as

  1. Addition of user profiles
  2. Ability to send messages to other users
  3. Receive fixed payment from stellar testnet for creating content

and we also fixed issues in the platform related to :-

  1. HTML in the processed content(articles)
  2. Featured image sometimes showing blank
  3. Fallback image for users not setting avatar
  4. Articles not showing on front page even when they had lots of page views

We also did stress testing for the project and we decided we can improve a lot before going to beta.

Major Updates

During the month of June’18, we decided to recode Pedity platform from PHP to golang as that suits our project better. As Pedity platform is still in early stages, it is better to take such decision now.

Previously we were using PostgreSQL based database and there were some discussions on how to make this app decentralized. As Pedity is a project based on stellar blockchain, it provides with data field and memo and the size is limited for the content. To solve this problem, we use IPFS(InterPlanetary File System) for storing the data. Initially when we created PEDI tokens in February ‘18, we stored our data in IPFS format ( You can read about IPFS on it’s website (

Going forward, these are lots of changes and we expect to start Pedity beta in Q3 where users can earn rewards for posting their content. Our older platform is now removed and we will be adding the new platform at the time beta starts.

Pedity Wallet

Our current target is Pedity wallet application which will have Send, Receive features and later it will also serve as authentication app for logging at Pedity Platform. Our first release will be Pedity wallet for android devices. iOS app will be next and is target for Q4.

Pedity Android Wallet coming soon. Imageby Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

Some Statistics

We have made great progress in a very small timeframe :-

Total PEDI holders : 331 accounts

Total PEDI Transaction — 1868

Twitter Followers — 120

Telegram Members — 466 and the numbers are still growing.

We had a very successful PEDI tokens giveaway from 1st June to 15th June for our group members using papayabot where nearly 40000 PEDI tokens were rewarded to group members.

Roadmap for Q3/Q4

  1. Q3 — Pedity Wallet Android App
  2. Q3- Start of Pedity Beta(with all the above updates)

And all our project targets stay same. Detailed roadmap will be shared at our telegram and our website.

Join us at Telegram ( and Pedity Website(

Thank you for reading :)



Tree3 Network

A decentralized content reward platform powered by Stellar and IPFS.