What more can you do with Stellar — PEDI Alpha v0.1

Tree3 Network
3 min readNov 13, 2018


Decentralized Content platform powered by Stellar and IPFS.

Alpha v0.1

Blockchain recently announced the biggest XLM giveaway and there was a question ‘What can I do with XLM?’. Apart from super fast payments, inflation rewards, federated address, we bring more possibilities to the Stellar Network.

Alpha v0.1

Pedity Alpha v0.1 brings lots of exiting new features to the decentralized web.

Content Rewards

On Pedity Platform, you can share, create and get rewarded for your content. Currently we support articles but in near milestones, you will be able to add more content types.

Alpha v0.1 Demo

Keys become Identity

Random public keys are weird and sometimes confusing and for general public this can even result in loss of funds.

Enter decentralized profiles where your identity can be verified by PGP keys and this results in more meaningful pages for everyone. Payments and your identity becomes more associated with particular addresses.

Creator’s Goals

Genuine content creators are loved and followed by fans worldwide. On Pedity, content creators can set their goals and anyone who reads content can easily contribute towards creators goals with 1-click instant payment. This goal page can also be set as your payment page so that people can pay you instantly.

Your own decentralized blog

On Pedity, you can create your decentralized blog page and share it with anyone. Your blog will live on stellar blockchain and IPFS. That means once you have created your blog, you can restore your content from blockchain anytime you want. You can use PEDI, Stellar and even any other token of stellar network on Pedity platform to create your blog.

There are lots of new things that you will find on Alpha v0.1, we hope you try the new Pedity platform.

Open Source PEDI Wallet

We believe in open source and PEDI Android Wallet is now open source. You will be able to find the source code for the Wallet on our Github page this week. Our platform will be open source once Alpha version is more stable.

Bug reports

While using Alpha v0.1 , if you find any bugs, please report them on our github (https://github.com/PedityOfficial/Pedity-Platform/issues).

Join us at Telegram (https://t.me/pedity)

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Pedity Website(https://pedity.com)

Thank you for reading. Pete Pedroza on Unsplash



Tree3 Network

A decentralized content reward platform powered by Stellar and IPFS.