The Power of Culture In AdvertisingEvery brand’s dream is to make it into the stream of culture. Once a subculture picks up on your brand and connects with it, that’s when…Dec 10, 20241Dec 10, 20241
Problem-Finders Are Just As Valuable As Problem-SolversSolving a problem is only half of the equation; finding the right problems to solve is just as important and arguably just as challenging.Dec 3, 202410Dec 3, 202410
Marketing Commoditized CategoriesWhen there’s nothing else to differentiate a product on, that’s when the practice of branding shows its power.Nov 25, 20242Nov 25, 20242
The Art Of Giving Effective Creative FeedbackObjectively evaluating whether an idea or concept will best deliver on the objectives set out by the brief is key for effective crits. It’s…Nov 19, 20248Nov 19, 20248
How To Write Effective Creative BriefsThe “creative brief” is one of the most important documents created within agencies that, when written effectively, unlocks fields of…Nov 11, 20247Nov 11, 20247
How To Make Your Brand Look Like ItselfAdvertising’s number #1 job is to let people know it’s you. To do that in a tasteful way, marketers need to be clear about their brand…Nov 4, 2024Nov 4, 2024
When Your Brand Needs Some Dusting OffRe-positioning, re-vitalization, re-branding. These all mean different things, and knowing their differences is the first step in keeping…Oct 29, 20241Oct 29, 20241
How To Grow Small BrandsGrowing a small brand is tough — fewer customers, higher costs, and weaker pricing power. But with the right strategy, a sustainable path…Oct 22, 202417Oct 22, 202417
How To Set Up A Brand For SuccessToo often new brand managers want to jump straight into answering questions and delivering results right away. But without proper diagnosis…Oct 15, 2024Oct 15, 2024
What Should You Include In Your Brand PlanFar too often marketers will write 100-page brand plans, running in circles and never really getting anywhere. The practice of brand…Oct 7, 20246Oct 7, 20246