Green is the new Gold

Pedro Soares
6 min readFeb 5, 2020



Dates: 28th of April (arrival day) — 4th of May (departure day)

Venue: Sende, Senderiz, Lobeira, Spain (map)

We need to adopt new green behaviors urgently in order to save the world in which we live in. Climate changes are a real problem and one of the most important challenges for the near future in Europe. People need to adopt a more ecofriendly attitude and the best way to achieve that is through environmental education. The youngsters are the future of Europe and we need to raise awareness near the youngsters first and then to replicate the effect in older generations. Green is the new Gold is a youth exchange whose main target group are 36 youngsters from 6 different countries Estonia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey and Serbia.

Participants: 5 pax per country (4 + 1 team leader) Participants must be between 18 and 30 years old, team leader doesn’t have age limit


During 10 days you will get to participate in very cool workshops where you will have the chance to:

  • to raise awareness about the benefits of the 3R concept (reduce, reuse, recycle), and the benefits of recycling, reusing of garbage, garbage selection and garbage removal;
  • to broaden participants knowledge and to introduce the topic of environment protection and sustainable development;
  • to create reusable bags from old tshirts and donate them to the local farmers;
  • to provide space for promotion of Cultural diversity in Europe and intercultural understanding between youngsters coming from different social, cultural, religious background.


  • Accommodation will be provided in 4 rural houses recently transformed into co-working and co-living space.
  • 12 sleeping rooms: from 7 beds to single rooms (sleeping in gender-mixed rooms with people from different countries)
  • 10 toilets/10 showers
  • 8 outdoor spaces for the work in small groups
  • 2 indoor work spaces

Active participation of all participants during the project is expected. We will implement the concept of co-living throughout the whole training course.


Accommodation and food costs will be fully covered by the organizers.

Return travel costs from your city to Sende will be reimbursed after the event upon the receipt of all tickets/boarding passes. You should arrive on 28th of April and leave on 4th of May from Sende. However, if you want to stay longer in Sende or in Porto you may. No problem.

  1. Please make sure to keep and scan properly all tickets (use the CamScanner app o Notes app on iPhone to scan).

If your ticket is blurry with a background of a desk or a carpet, that will not be valid ;(

bad example (where we cannot see all tickets and there is a desk behind)

Good example

Good example. Many small tickets on the white background. Clear to read. You may put white paper as the background

2. Then upload them in this Google drive folder by respecting the following rules:

Example: Albania folder>Your Name folder>Upload tickets and excel

a) Create one folder for your country (country you are representing at this event). If more participants are coming from the same country, then you may use the same “country folder” and create a separate “Your Name folder

b) Upload your scanned tickets and invoices and screenshots of your boarding pass in your folder. Please download invoices from the airplane sites in case you didn’t receive them by email.

c) Create a simple Google Sheets file where you will add all ticket prices and the total cost of all your tickets and your IBAN or payment instructions.

Example of a Google Sheets or Excel Sheets:

You may upload just a screenshot of your google sheets with all tickets or the link (but make sure you share the access to the public link please)

How much you can spend on your tickets?

These are the limits that we can cover. If you spend more, it’s on you. Make sure to buy the cheapest comfortable option.

  • Portugal: max 180€
  • Italy: max 275€
  • Serbia: max 360€
  • Estonia: 530€
  • Turkey: max 530€


Please have in mind that there will also be cost of transportation to/from Senderiz from/to the place where you arrive (preferably Ourense in Spain or Ponte de Lima in Portugal for those flying to Porto). Once we have the confirmation from all participants we will find the best and cheapest way for transportation to Senderiz and inform you. The best way is to reach Porto, before 16:00 and we can book you a shared transportation to Senderiz

Important: Do not buy any tickets before approval from the organisers.


  • Towel
  • Slippers
  • Warm clothes for the evening
  • Comfortable shoes for hiking
  • Raincoat (this is Galicia, it could rain. A lot.)
  • A old t-shirt to recyle
  • Traditional food/drinks/music from your country for the Intercultural evening. Coming with hand luggage? Think small :)
  • Music instrument, game or idea for creating nice moments
  • There is 1 guitar in Sende

How can you participate?

All you have to be is over 18 years old coming from one of the participating countries , open-minded and enthusiastic about taking part in this amazing intercultural experience! There can be max 5 people per country .


Pedro (program and other information)

00351 964724671

Edo (travel information)


Youth organisation and one of the first coworking and coliving spaces in the world, nested in the Spanish mountains, right on the border with Portugal.

Sende is 6 years old project which has transformed part of the village into different creative spaces. Building programs for entrepreneurs, artists and educators in order to create interesting projects while making impact on the local level. Sende leverages Erasmus plus youth projects in order to support youth mobility, provide meaningful development for local youth and through task-oriented educational activities.

We support local shops and companies in the area by consuming their products. Part of the products are bought directly from the villagers, local bakeries and small shops.

Sende was visited by guests from 57 countries. Senderiz is a 20 inhabitants village located in the region of Galicia, Northern Spain in the area of a national park of Xurés on the border with Portugal.

