Pariah Dog — A Peek Into The Lives Of Indian Street Dogs

Editor @ Peepal Farm
1 min readMar 3, 2019


Produced and directed by Jesse Alk, Pariah Dog is the result of a 3-year long labor of love. This film follows the lives of local heroes in the bustling city of Kolkata who take it upon themselves to care for hundreds of stray dogs every single day. From feeding to vaccinations, these folks look after these dogs like their own children. This movie strikes a chord with animal lovers in India particularly, because these are the “crazy” people who try to do all they can to better the lives of some helpless, innocent souls.

Helping stray animals sure is fulfilling, but can get tiring as well when no one around you seems to understand why you do what you do. This film beautifully captures the struggles as well as the joy of the selfless people of Kolkata and also hits you with the harsh truth. Watch the trailer and see for yourself!

Save an Indian Pariah Dog today. Check out this link and adopt a buddy in need —

