Peerguess to change your habits!

2 min readMay 6, 2018


Platform Development, iOS and Android apps

Hello dear peerguess community, in this article, we would like to inform you about the latest situation of Peerguess project. As you know, Peerguess iOS app launched couple of months ago and it’s working well. We’re still considering your feedbacks about it. So please download it with the link below and test our iOS app. You can make sure you will like it. Be careful that it shall not be an addiction for you!

Peerguess iOS app download link:

Peerguess official Telegram group:

For the Andriod app, our developers are working on Peerguess Android app too. It’s in progress now. Don’t worry, we don’t forget about the part of our community that uses Android. Plus, after the successful launch of Peerguess Android platform, we will aim for a good level of user user acquisition. Then, we expect a sharp increase in the adoption of both our iOS and Android applications. We have received many questions from the users to give an ETA for our Android release. But, at the moment, we can’t give an exact ETA for this. We will always keep in touch with you. Join our Telegram group whose link was provided in this article.

GUESS Token and Exchanges

GUESS token is listed on Yobit, Idex, TokenStore, Forkdelta, MacroExchange. Yobit is the primary market for us at the moment. Most of the trade volume comes from it. Peerguess team aims to bring some trade volume to GUESS markets. Getting listed on bigger exchanges is another important target for us. But, as of now, we’re fully focussed on coding and platform development side. Bear in mind that, we’ve already been in contact with several exchanges.

GUESS on Yobit:

If you think you can help us spread the word, reach us via Telegram. You can make sure Peerguess team will keep rewarding project adopters and supporters.

GUESS is in the Biggest Gainers List of the last 7 days on Coinmarketcap!

GUESS token is getting even stronger with the support of our community. GUESS is in the list of biggest gainers of the last 7 days in coinmarketcap.

We strongly belive that Peerguess project and GUESS token will be one of the leading actors in the global crypto markets eventually.

GUESS on Coinmarketcap:

You guys rock!

Please don’t hesitate to make your suggestions to take Peerguess project to the next level. We want to hear from you, so you can always reach us via our official Telegram group.

Peerguess official Telegram group:

Peerguess official Twitter account:

Our Russian community members created a Russian Telegram group since some users don’t speak English. So Russian speaking community members can also join this RU Telegram group to be a part of the discussion.

Peerguess RU Telegram group:

