Wonmin Lee — Pegasus Games
Wonmin Lee — Pegasus Games

Hello, my name is Wonmin. I'm an ex-corporate slave turned game designer.

I quit my corporate job back in 2016 to pursue my dreams of becoming a game developer. And in March of 2021, that dream became a reality when my first game, Welcome to Sysifus Corp was successfully funded on Kickstarter.

I had no idea what I was doing when I quit my job. Even now, I'm still terrified for my future. But it is thanks to the support of strangers like you that I am able to do what I love. And for that, I am incredibly thankful.

I've been hard at work on my next game—Love, Career & Magic and I know it'll be amazing. Thanks for visiting my humble page and please do consider signing up to be reminded when I launch on Kickstarter sometime in 2022.

Connect with Wonmin Lee — Pegasus Games
Wonmin Lee — Pegasus Games

Wonmin Lee — Pegasus Games

I made two games: Welcome to Sysifus corp (sysifuscorp.com) and Love, Career & Magic (lovecareermagic.com)