Update: Pantheon is now Officially Hyperledger Besu

1 min readSep 16, 2019


September 16, 2019

You may have heard that earlier this month, PegaSys contributed our Ethereum client, formerly known as Pantheon, to Hyperledger. We are excited to share that we have now completed a few critical steps of moving the codebase to under the Hyperledger umbrella.

Here’s what’s changed:

  • Rename: Pantheon has officially been renamed as Hyperledger Besu.
  • GitHub: We have transitioned our Pantheon GitHub repo to Hyperledger’s repo. You can now find it at https://github.com/hyperledger/besu
  • RocketChat: We will be using RocketChat for our community conversations about Hyperledger Besu moving forward, but we will leave our Gitter open for a transition period as well. You can find us at chat.hyperledger.org on the #besu or #besu-contributor channel. Please note you will need to sign up for a Linux Foundation ID to begin to participate in Rocketchat.
  • Documentation: Hyperledger Besu documentation will soon be found at besu.hyperledger.org. We will have a redirect set-up at our current documentation link as well.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. We’ll be sharing a big new product announcement coming in October, and will be participating in several large events in the coming months as well. Stay tuned!

Originally published at https://pegasys.tech on September 16, 2019.

