How to Cope with Morning Sickness During Your Pregnancy?

Peggy Haven
2 min readJan 22, 2020

Are you dealing with Morning Sickness? If you answered yes, you are not alone. It is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy. It usually starts around the sixth week or sometimes sooner and can last until the end of the first trimester or even throughout the pregnancy. Oh, and don’t let the name fool you, it can happen during the day. It was difficult for me when I was pregnant with my first oldest. I could barely keep anything down in the beginning. Here are some tips to help you manage through it.

1. Keep some saltine crackers by your bedside so you can eat a few before you start your day and some in your bag to snack on throughout the day. The saltine crackers are high in starch, which helps absorb any extra acid you may have in your stomach and ease nausea.

2. Try eating small but frequent meals like bland foods easy to digest like toast, pretzels, mash potato, soups, and smoothies. Having an empty stomach can make your symptoms much worse. Try to stay clear of foods hard to digest like fried and spicy foods.

3. Eat foods that are cold rather than hot. Hot foods can give off strong smells that can precipitate your symptoms.

4. Keep hydrated throughout the day, even if it’s just a few sips or eating some ice chips because it is important to stay hydrated cause it…



Peggy Haven

Freelance writer for hire. A Writer, Mom, and Coffee Drinker. Looking to help others through my words.