Factomatic Releases PegNet GUI Wallet

Transacting and converting in PegNet is now much easier for all with the release of the first GUI wallet

2 min readDec 17, 2019

Factomatic announces the release of the PegNet GUI wallet which supports burning FCT to pFCT, as well as PegNet transfers and conversions of all other pegged assets in the network. In order to use the wallet, users will need to first install the Chrome extension Kambani. Kambani is a MetaMask-like browser extension, which creates an encrypted vault in the browser and allows users to sign PegNet transactions from the web wallet. Private keys are never exposed to the wallet and do not leave the user’s encrypted vault. After installing Kambani, you go to factomatic.io/wallet/ for the GUI wallet interface.

The wallet has undergone substantial testing in the last few days at the time of this article and Factomatic has not had any reports of missing funds or otherwise faulty transactions.

Important: The PegNet GUI Wallet is still in ALPHA, so we urge all users to try initial transactions with small amounts only.

If there are any questions or concerns with the wallet, please direct those to the #wallets channel on the PegNet Discord.

A special note of appreciation to thank PegNet’s community BUIDLers, @[Factomize]David Chapman#2778 @Carl#4721 @David Johnston#8216 and @Who#3791 for their support, and all testers for trying out this early version of the wallet!




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