Peking Duck
2 min readJun 3, 2023

History of Peking Duck

The history of Peking duck can be traced back several centuries to the imperial era of China. The dish has its origins in Beijing, the capital city of China, which was formerly known as Peking. Here is a brief overview of the history of Peking duck:

  1. Imperial Roots: Peking duck is believed to have originated during the Ming Dynasty (1368–1644). It was initially prepared exclusively for the imperial court and was considered a royal delicacy. The dish was highly valued for its rich flavors and exquisite presentation.
  2. Transition to Restaurants: During the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912), Peking duck began to make its way out of the imperial palace and into restaurants. It gained popularity among the general population, and specialized Peking duck restaurants started to emerge in Beijing. These restaurants perfected the art of roasting the duck and developed their own secret recipes and techniques.
  3. Influence of Bianyifang: One of the most famous and influential Peking duck restaurants in Beijing is Bianyifang, which was established in 1416 during the Ming Dynasty. Bianyifang is credited with popularizing Peking duck and making it more accessible to the public. The restaurant’s unique roasting method, which involved using an open fire, contributed to the dish’s distinct flavor and crispiness.
  4. Spread and Recognition: As Peking duck gained popularity in Beijing, it began to spread to other parts of China and eventually reached international acclaim. The dish became synonymous with Chinese cuisine and is often considered a must-try when visiting Beijing or dining at a Chinese restaurant abroad.

Today, Peking duck is enjoyed worldwide, and its traditional preparation methods are still highly regarded. It has become a symbol of Chinese culinary culture, known for its combination of tender meat, crispy skin, and flavorful accompaniments. Many restaurants continue to specialize in serving this iconic dish, preserving its historical significance and gastronomic excellence.