SEO: How to Recover From Google’s March 2024 Update

Pekpek Burrito
10 min readMar 16, 2024


In the dynamic world of SEO, staying ahead of Google’s algorithm updates is crucial for maintaining online visibility. The March 2024 update has sent waves through the digital marketing community, prompting a need for strategic adjustments. Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating these changes effectively.

#1 Avoid Direct Copy-Paste from AI Programs:

Google’s algorithms have become adept at identifying content generated by AI programs like ChatGTP. This is due to unique signatures embedded in the output’s HTML code. For instance, code snippets from ChatGTP might include specific class and style attributes that Google can pinpoint. If you’re using AI-generated content, ensure to transfer it to a plain text editor first to strip any formatting and then manually reformat it in WordPress or your chosen CMS.

Stop cutting and pasting directly from ChatGTP, or any other AI text generating program.
There is a unique signature in the HTML that gives you away to google.

<div class=”mt-1 flex justify-start gap-3 empty:hidden”>
<div class=”text-gray-400 flex self-end lg:self-center justify-center lg:justify-start mt-0 -ml-1 h-7 visible”>

This above is from ChatGTP.

If you want to continue using ChatGTP or another AI, what you might need to do it, cut and paste it into a text editor to get rid of all the formatting.

The problem is that will get rid of the formatting. You will need to cut and paste it into WP and then reform your headings.

It’s not the “visible content” they are reading; its the html and unique formatting from other AI generators.

#2. Clean Your Code:

Utilize tools like the “Better Search and Replace” plugin to remove any AI-generated HTML code from your WordPress pages. This is crucial for avoiding penalties associated with AI-generated content, ensuring your site remains in good standing with Google’s new algorithms.

Strip all of this ChatGTP html code from beneath your current content.

I used the “Better Search and Replace” plugin.

#3 Leverage Google’s AI for Content Creation:

While leveraging a monopoly for cross-market dominance is controversial, Google’s AI tools are less likely to be penalized by their algorithms. This doesn’t mean you should solely rely on Google’s tools, but incorporating them could be beneficial for your SEO strategy.

In the future USE Google’s top line and commercial level AI text generative...

While it is illegal to use your monopoly in one market to create a monopoly in yet another market, that is essentially what Google has done with their March Update is violate the anti-trust laws. And they basically said, who is going to do anything about it; we’re too big. If you are really pissed about this UPDATE, write the Justice Department's Anti Trust Division in DC.

Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice Building — 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW — Washington, D.C., United States

Google took a giant dump on all the other AI text generators and did nothing about they content created by their own AI.

Google has created/programmed an AI to distinguish their AI from other AI. Their AI was unmolested and well, you know what happened to what they determined to be the “lesser” AI.

#4 Diversify Your Content:

Patterns in content can be a red flag for Google’s algorithms. If you’ve noticed repetitive phrasing or structure in your articles, it’s time to mix things up. Experiment with different content styles and structures to avoid pattern recognition by Google’s AI.

Diversify the prompts and Pay attention to the text…

There are patterns, I’ve done 1000 articles and I can see a pattern.

I have custom instructions and a pattern and ChatGTP would typically begin my artiles with “In a bold move” or in a “In a wild Twist”.

I put the same instructions into Google’s Gemini and the AI would typically begin my artiles with “Forget the Chinese” or in a “In a move that’s either brilliant or utterly bizarre”.

Or Gemini began with a question. Using my taught “prompt’s paradigm” ChatGTP never began with a question.

Just studying the first paragraphs resulting from my instructions, Google has probably put specific patterns inside the results from Gemini that allow them to pick out.

Tell whatever AI generator you are using to diversify, by every variable you can think of: age, race, ethnicity, gender, geo locations, political ideology, etc…

Just tell the AI to “write for various ages” and “use the POV of 18-year-old London females” There are countless variations possible. Use them. Be an enigma to google. Show range, as opposed to repetition.

#5 Image Stealth:

While the focus has been on text, images are not exempt from scrutiny. Google’s Gemini might suggest using specific AI-generated image tools, but it’s wise to diversify your sources. Ensure you’re altering image titles and stripping any embedded metadata that could indicate the use of non-Google AI image generators. While Google hasn’t penalized the use of external AI-generated images yet, it’s better to be proactive in maintaining your site’s SEO integrity.

The jury is out still on the image… however, frequently Google’s Gemini actually suggested that you include photos from

Craiyon (formerly DALL-E Mini): A fun and easy-to-use AI image generator. It’s great for beginners or quick image concepts. Images tend to be less refined than paid options. (
NightCafe Creator: Offers a variety of AI art styles and a user-friendly interface. (
Artbreeder: Specializes in creating realistic portraits and characters. (
DALL-E 2 (OpenAI): Considered one of the best AI image generators, producing incredibly high-quality and realistic images. (
Midjourney: Popular for its artistic and stylized results. Images are generated through a Discord server. (
Stable Diffusion: Highly customizable and known for flexibility. You may need some technical setup for the various ways to access it. ([invalid URL removed])
Canva Text to Image: Conveniently integrated into the popular design platform Canva. (
Imagen (Google AI): Google’s powerful image generator, though access is currently limited. (

My guess is that they aren’t punishing the use of other platform’s image creators, YET!

a. They know how badly their own AI image generator is… and nearly no one is using it.
b. This March Update (text generation) was only the first phase of building their AI monopoly and they will get around to “image monopoly” at a later date.

Regardless, you need to make sure your images don’t leave a trace. Change the titles of your images and strip the meta date that is sometimes imbedded in the image file.

I changed the date in each image to 1989. That might (or might not) disqualify the image from google’s list of AI generated photos… but who knows. The results aren’t in yet.

But look into your use of AI images. I can almost guarantee they are telling google something.

#6 Counteract AI Detection:

To disguise the use of non-Google AI in your content creation, consider embedding HTML code signatures that mimic those from Google’s AI. This can mislead the algorithm into classifying your content as favorably as it would its own AI-generated material.

Look for all the other “signals” that you’ve been shopping in the open market and didn’t select Google’s AI.

This is predatory capitalism and Google is looking to destroy the competition in AI. Don’t put Google’s competition on your site.

#7 Content Velocity and Diversity:

Google’s algorithms don’t just analyze content quality; they also consider content velocity — the rate at which you publish content. Maintain a natural and varied content publication schedule to avoid triggering any flags for unnatural content velocity. Additionally, diversify your topics and maintain a steady, realistic publication pace.

Use subterfuge and misdirection to restore your site. You might have to do “James Bond” stuff to restore your site

Make Google think you are used their AI to build your content.

Rename the images… (google_ai_image_004.jpg)

Use Gemini to reWrite the first paragraph only. Cut and paste it into your content… at the top and with the Gemini fingerprint (<p data-sourcepos=”7:1–7:53">)

What you need to do is embed the html code signature from Gemini in your previously published AI.

For example:
search for something like… (ChatGTP’s signature)

<div class=”text-gray-400 flex self-end lg:self-center justify-center lg:justify-start mt-0 -ml-1 h-7 visible”>

and replace it with something like… (Gemini’s signature)

<p data-sourcepos=”7:1–7:53">

It is possible to make Google think you cut and pasted from their AI. They are so vain they will love that… they think the coming AI battle field is their back yard, so they will probably promote your site, rather than destroy it if they think your used Gemini.

#8 In the Future, Don’t Screwup Again!

Beyond traditional SEO factors like titles, headings, and keywords, Google’s algorithms are increasingly sophisticated, analyzing a multitude of signals to determine content quality and relevance. Stay informed about these evolving metrics to ensure your content remains compliant and competitive.

In the the future think about… understanding Google’s Vampiric (monopolistic) signals and using them.

Content Velocity. Google looks at link velocity why aren’t they measuring your content velocity? They are!

You can fix that with establishing several writer “users” that post.

And use a rotating proxy when you post.

If you are using search console. Don’t just post using the “admin” editor and then latter change the author to one of your bogus contributor.

They are looking at who originally, saved the draft of the article.

Also, don’t write 10 articles on one topic… and then switch to another topic and write ten.

If you do worth this way, schedule them to show up one a date for 10 days.

#9 Strategic Content Updates

Regularly update your AI content to align with the latest SEO best practices. This not only includes textual updates but also ensuring your multimedia content, such as images and videos, adheres to Google best interests.

They are NOT going to do what is good for you. They are NOT going to do what is good for their users. They are going to do what is good for Google!

Learn what new signals Google will be using…. its not just title and heading and keyword frequency anymore… it was but things change! Keep and anticipate how to NOT be flagged again.

Be aware of how ruthless Google can be! After all they wrecked your site, just because you used the competition’s AI.

#10 Engage with the SEO Community:

Keep the dialogue open with other SEO professionals. Sharing insights and strategies can provide a broader perspective on how to adapt to Google’s continual updates effectively.

SEO: How to Recover From Google’s March 2024 Update
SEO: How to Recover From Google’s March 2024 Update

In conclusion. you can recover from the Google March 2024 update! Follow the above suggestions and think about the nature of the ”google paradigm,” which is monopoly building.

The Google March 2024 update necessitates a nuanced approach to content creation and website management. By understanding and adapting to these changes, you can safeguard your site’s ranking and visibility, ensuring that your digital presence remains strong in an ever-evolving SEO landscape.

NOTE: I would be seriously NOT surprised if Google comes after me for exposing some of this, regardless of how common sense it is… and if you spread or expose anything Google is doing and they feel uncomfortable about it, they will/might retaliate. The first rule in SEO is protect yourself at all times.

That doesn't mean don’t “like” or “share” this article. Please share and like it; I mean in anything dealing with “Google” you need a nice safe and secure profile and identity.

How to Recover From Google’s March 2024 Update
If you want to de-GTP your site…

If you want to de-GTP your site…

make a backup of your database.

use the “better search and replace” plugin.

You are searching for ChatGTP fingerprints and replacing them with Gemini or Google fingerprints…


SEARCH: <div class=”flex flex-grow flex-col max-w-full”>
REPLACE: <p data-sourcepos=”7:1–7:53">

SEARCH: min-h-[20px] text-message flex flex-col items-start gap-3 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words [.text-message+&amp;]:mt-5 overflow-x-auto
REPLACE: google_cse_id

SEARCH: “assistant
REPLACE: “alphabet-inc-loyalty-program

SEARCH: data-message-id=
REPLACE: google_cse_id=


If you have been using GTP, replace anything that looks like the following with NOTHING


<div class=”px-4 py-2 justify-center text-base md:gap-6 m-auto”>

<div class=”markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light”>

<div class=”w-full text-token-text-primary” data-testid=”conversation-turn-55">

<div class=”flex flex-1 text-base mx-auto gap-3 md:px-5 lg:px-1 xl:px-5 md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-[40rem] xl:max-w-[48rem] group final-completion”>

<div class=”flex flex-1 text-base mx-auto gap-3 md:px-5 lg:px-1 xl:px-5 md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-[40rem] xl:max-w-[48rem] group”>

<div class=”relative flex w-full flex-col lg:w-[calc(100%-115px)] agent-turn”>

<div class=”flex-col gap-1 md:gap-3">

<div class=”mt-1 flex justify-start gap-3 empty:hidden”>

<div class=”text-gray-400 flex self-end lg:self-center justify-center lg:justify-start mt-0 -ml-1 visible”>

<div class=”w-full text-token-text-primary” data-testid=”conversation-turn-56">

<div class=”flex flex-1 text-base mx-auto gap-3 md:px-5 lg:px-1 xl:px-5 md:max-w-3xl lg:max-w-[40rem] xl:max-w-[48rem] group”>

<div class=”flex-shrink-0 flex flex-col relative items-end”>

<div class=”pt-0.5">

<div class=”gizmo-shadow-stroke flex h-6 w-6 items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-full”>

How to Recover From Google’s March 2024 Update — SEO Instructions
Google plays OpenAI in a game of Monopoly…


Don’t put anything with ChatGTP’s fingerprint on your site.

Google plays OpenAI in a game of chess…
Google plays OpenAI in a game of chess…

