Thursday — Week Ten

Dan Pelensky
2 min readJan 27, 2017


This post isn’t coming a day late, it’s right on time! #alternativefacts

I actually only realised at 12.30am while trying to sleep that I hadn’t done this post, so here I am up doing it bright and early.

Yesterday was a great day, we had another tech test, and that one was to build Tic Tac Toe in a day. Once again we had the choice of using Ruby or JavaScript, and once again I chose JavaScript.

I still think it’s hilarious how if you asked me last week I loved Ruby and was kind of intimidated by JavaScript, but now it turns out I kind of love JavaScript!

The Tic Tac Toe challenge was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot doing it. The thing that I’m the most excited about is that I built a snazzy (read: super basic) interface to actually play the game. It’s not perfect yet, but it’s playable!

And here’s how it looks. As you can see Nikesh beat Jenna in this one. He’s only played once, so has won 100% of the games he played!

In the evening I went to a Queer Code London meetup, with a speaker who talked about building a gay mobile games business; his successes, challenges, what he’s learned and his advice. It was a great talk, and I really enjoyed networking after.

I’ve also got a couple leads for some jobs that I’ll be applying for this weekend which is exciting, but even if nothing comes out of that it was a great night. Here’s the meet up group if anyone’s interested. There’s three events in February.

Yesterday I learned:

  • How to link JS functions to the front end
  • Using jQuery click handlers to show or hide items on a page
  • It is really, really fun to see your work live, rather than only in passing tests and on a console
  • I quite like talking to new people

Things I want to focus on

  • I didn’t test my jQuery at all — that’s something I really want to do
  • Overall just getting some more experience coding; I am loving every one of these tech tests I’m doing

Things I’m struggling with

  • I’m pretty tired, but hopefully this weekend can be relaxing before the huge two week final project stint.

