Tuesday — Week Three

Dan Pelensky
2 min readNov 22, 2016


Today we started learning about how to interact with the web, which is something I’ve been pretty excited about! I previously did General Assembly’s Front-end Web Development course, so know a bit about HTML, CSS and Javascript.

I was expecting a walk in the park, and that’s not what I got. We are focusing on HTTP and how the internet actually works, and how to use Sinatra. Now… I don’t know anything about Sinatra, and it’s pretty hard.

I don’t feel that my partner and I got as far as other people, but that means I’ll get someone to help me through the info tomorrow.

In other exciting news, they released 60,000 tickets to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, and I joined the queue right at 11, and managed to get tickets at about 4pm! Now I just need to wait 14 months and I’ll get to see it again!

Today I learned

  • A bit about sinatra
  • Differences between a web client and server
  • How to use ERB files
  • How to put Ruby commands in a web app using <%= =%>

I need to focus on

  • Sinatra
  • Where to put if statements
  • Get/Post

Things I am struggling with

  • I don’t currently feel blocked, but I feel like there is a decent chance I will be tomorrow.

The other exciting thing is that I hosted the standup today. Note my terrible writing!

