Navigating the Complexity: Approaches to Comparing Complex Graphs

Pelin Okutan
4 min readNov 14, 2023


Understanding and comparing complex graphs is a challenging endeavor, often hinging on the specific context and the nuanced definition of “sameness” tailored to a given application. In this blog post, we explore several approaches to tackle the non-trivial task of determining whether two intricate graphs share similarities. From isomorphism checks to graph kernel methods, each method plays a unique role in unraveling the complexity of graph comparison.

  1. Isomorphism Check: Deciphering Structural Identity Determining if two graphs are isomorphic, meaning they share the same structure, involves sophisticated algorithms such as VF2 or Nauty. However, the computational challenge escalates with graph size and characteristics, underscoring the need for a nuanced approach.

If you want to learn about VF2 and Nauty, check the end of this article.

2. Graph Matching: Preserving Structural Properties Graph matching algorithms, exemplified by the Hungarian algorithm or maximum common subgraph isomorphism, focus on establishing a mapping between nodes while preserving key structural properties. This method proves especially relevant when structural nuances hold significance.

3. Graph Kernel Methods: Harnessing Machine Learning Transforming graphs into feature vectors using graph kernels opens the door to leveraging machine learning techniques for comparison. Graph kernels capture structural information, allowing for a nuanced analysis when combined with various machine learning algorithms.

4. Subgraph Isomorphism: Beyond Complete Similarity Checking if one graph is a subgraph of another, through algorithms like Ullmann’s or VF2, offers a less strict but still insightful measure of similarity. This approach is particularly valuable when assessing shared substructures.

5. Graph Edit Distance: Quantifying Transformation Costs Graph Edit Distance (GED) quantifies the minimum cost of transforming one graph into another. High GED values indicate dissimilarity, while low values suggest a closer resemblance, offering a nuanced perspective on graph comparisons.

6. Hashing Techniques: Encoding Graph Structures Hashing the graph structures into fixed-length codes, employing methods like MinHash or Weisfeiler-Lehman graph hashing, provides a scalable way to compare graphs. This technique is especially useful when seeking a balance between efficiency and accuracy.

7. Visual Inspection: A Human Touch For smaller graphs, a manual inspection through visualization tools offers a human-centric approach to identify structural similarities or differences. While not scalable, it can provide valuable insights into intricate graph details.

Important Considerations: Computational Complexity: Be mindful of the computational complexity, particularly when dealing with large graphs, and choose methods that align with your computational resources.

Graph Characteristics: The effectiveness of different methods is influenced by graph characteristics such as size, density, and regularity. Tailor your approach to the unique features of your graphs.

Application-Specific Criteria: Consider the specific criteria defining “sameness” in your application. It might not always be about the entire graph; certain properties or substructures could be more pertinent.

Comparing complex graphs demands a thoughtful selection of methods aligned with the intricacies of your data and the goals of your application. Experimentation and evaluation are key in finding the most suitable approach for unveiling the underlying similarities in your complex graph structures.

More on VF2 and Nauty Algorithm:

VF2 Algorithm:


  • The VF2 algorithm, proposed by Paolo Cordella, Pasquale Foggia, Carlo Sansone, and Mario Vento, is a graph isomorphism algorithm.
  • It is designed to determine whether two graphs are isomorphic, meaning they have the same structure, even if the node labels differ.

Key Features:

  1. State Space Search:
  • VF2 uses a state space search to explore the possible mappings between nodes of the two graphs.
  • It maintains a state that represents a partial mapping between the nodes of the graphs.

2. Backtracking:

  • VF2 employs backtracking to explore the solution space efficiently.
  • The algorithm prunes the search space whenever it determines that a partial mapping cannot lead to a valid isomorphism.

3. Node and Edge Compatibility Rules:

  • VF2 uses node and edge compatibility rules to guide the search process. These rules ensure that the mapping respects the structure of the graphs being compared.

4. Support for Labeled Graphs:

  • VF2 can handle graphs with labeled nodes, meaning that nodes can have different labels. This makes it suitable for applications where the node labels are essential for determining isomorphism.

Nauty Algorithm:


  • The Nauty algorithm, developed by Brendan McKay, is a set of algorithms for graph canonical labeling and graph isomorphism testing.
  • While its primary purpose is graph canonical labeling, it can be used for isomorphism testing as well.

Key Features:

  1. Canonical Labeling:
  • Nauty focuses on assigning a canonical label to each graph, which represents its isomorphism class.
  • The canonical label is a unique representation that remains the same for isomorphic graphs.

2. Efficiency and Scalability:

  • Nauty is known for its efficiency, especially when dealing with large graphs. It employs various techniques, such as automorphism pruning, to speed up the process.

3. Notable in Group Theory:

  • Nauty is widely used in the field of group theory, as it can efficiently determine the automorphism group of a graph.

4. Limited Support for Labeled Graphs:

  • While Nauty primarily deals with unlabeled graphs, there are extensions and adaptations (e.g., Traces) that provide limited support for labeled graphs.

Choosing Between VF2 and Nauty:

  • Graph Characteristics:
  • VF2 may be more suitable for graphs with labeled nodes, as it explicitly considers node labels in the isomorphism check.
  • Nauty is often preferred for large-scale problems, especially when graph canonical labeling is a primary concern.
  • Performance Considerations:
  • VF2 may perform well for smaller graphs or cases where labeled nodes are crucial.
  • Nauty is known for its efficiency and is often the algorithm of choice for large and unlabeled graphs.

In summary, both VF2 and Nauty are powerful tools for graph isomorphism-related problems, and the choice between them depends on the specific characteristics and requirements of your application.

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Pelin Okutan

PhD Candidate & Researcher & Data Scientist & Engineer & Risk Analyst & Language Enthusiast |