Meta system design interview — Status Search System

Bai Xie
6 min readFeb 14, 2024

Note: In this article, I am giving you my solution to this problem. It’s written in the same flow as if I am attending an real interview.

Functional Requirement

Context: Every user can post something as “status”, at any given time, one user can only have one status (vs multiple posts).

Build a search system which should enable users to search the statuses.

Other requirements

  • We need to support multi-words search
  • Assume we have 1B users, on average users make 5 searches per day. And every user posts 1 status update every day.
  • Stretch goal? support search for friends’ statuses only.

Cut down scope

  • Text only. No emojis, no images.
  • We don’t need to consider ranking.
  • Global search without regional gating, i.e. US customers can see EU statuses too.
  • Assume only English.
  • System to post status is not in scope
  • Assume status does not expire (an user’s status is live in search index forever)

Non Functional Requirement


  • 99.9% + SLA.


  • In this problem, consistency means after an user updates status, can we…

