Update for iOS Delayed

2 min readJun 23, 2024


Update 8/14/24: Just a quick note that things are in the works but it’ll be a while longer. Peloton has been actively working on updating their system and been very proactive at collaborating on that. It’s not clear, however, how much longer you will have to wait. A lot of these big engineering feats take time. The only thing I can say for now is that Pelotrak will come back, it’s only a question of how soon. Stay tuned…

Update 7/19/24: Good news: Peloton is putting some engineering resources behind better supporting 3rd party apps like Pelotrak and I am working with their team on feedback and making changes to Pelotrak based on their new feedback. Bad news: no update yet from legal and given that there are now engineering changes in the works, it’ll be a while longer until Pelotrak is back.

Update 7/7/24: Quick status update. I’ve been in touch with Peloton and in parallel to the legal work, they are asking me to make some technical changes to better tap into their more recent infrastructure. This is good news as it shows they are committed to making Pelotrak work but it also means it might take a little while longer.

I know a lot of you are eagerly awaiting the return of Pelotrak on iOS. Unfortunately, it will take a little while longer:

  • I completed the massive app overhaul, but because of the size of the change, Apple gave the app a closer review and rejected it citing legal issues: i.e. I’m using Peloton content without Peloton’s consent.
  • Fortunately, this is not actually true. I had great conversations with the Peloton team a couple of years ago and they confirmed they appreciated the Pelotrak app.
  • Unfortunately, I never got an official document confirming this.
  • I spent the last two weeks reaching out to Peloton. We’ve now been in touch and Peloton is going to check with their legal team. They are still very supportive of Pelotrak.
  • Until I receive documentation from Peloton that I can submit to Apple, I won’t be able to release the new Pelotrak update. Given the size of the company and that Pelotrak is unlikely to be a top priority, it might take a little while longer for them to provide the required document.

I will continue to provide updates as this develops. Please sign up for this mailing list if you would like to be notified when Pelotrak is available again.

The Apple Rejection

For those curious, here is what that looks like.

Note that Apple has no fault here, they are 100% right enforcing their IP guidelines. In some ways, it’s surprising they haven’t done this sooner.

