The Aha! Moment

Pelumi Agboola
2 min readMay 13, 2017


Eureka! Eureka!!

Yes! I finally got it.

If feels like you had a breakthrough, did something unimaginable or maybe you just accomplished such a great feat.

When that time comes you feel so good with yourself and it’s like you should be awarded with a Nobel Prize on the spot.

The Aha! Moment is quite vague as it depends on the person involved, but such a moment comes after a successful effort at understanding or achieving something; especially after several failed attempts. If you get what you need at the first attempt, it’s not an Aha! Moment.

Need an example? I got some.

You’re a criminal detective and you’ve trying to find out who committed a crime and after several investigation, leads and complications; you can’t find the offender. Days later you suddenly get an alibi who provides a new lead or evidence to help you find the criminal.


Or you’re a final year student undertaking a research project and you’re searching for a previous research by a reputable source to back your findings but can’t find any. Days go by and the submission deadline gets closer, you finally stumble upon a book that has what you need.


The Aha! Moment could is not only for activities but also be for thoughts, ideas and other passive things. For example, if inspiration strikes, you have an idea of how to go about something or you suddenly think of an amazing business idea after long hours or days of brainstorming or thinking.

It feels like an animated light bulb on your head but yeah it’s an Aha! Moment.

The Aha! Moment could either come with relief or extreme happiness. Remember I said that the Aha! Moment is gotten after several failed attempts. These failed attempts could bring worry or some sort of sadness. Thankfully, the Aha! Moment acts as a remedy to this.

Are you still struggling to get something done? Have you failed over and over again at a given task? Are you almost giving up on a particular assignment? Try a couple of times and who knows you just might hit that Aha! Moment.

