AERON — Saving People’s Lives, Blockchain for Aviation Safety

Come back with me, and now I’m back to introduce the latest project on “Saving the People’s Life” that is the AERON project. for more details about this project please refer to my article.

Pembisnis Muda
6 min readOct 5, 2017

What is AERON?

AERON is a new standard of aviation safety, embodied in a series of innovative products.

We are aviation professionals. For 11 years
we pilot aircrafts, develop flight crew training
programs and aeronautical databases. Our
newest blockchain based innovation is creating
the future of aviation safety. Why?

Aviation Market

Today more than ever, despite financial uncertainty, young people are saving up to travel around the world.

With modern technology evolving everyday, we take a lot of things for granted. We often forget how convenient travel is today. Aviation plays a bigger role in our lives than one might imagine. Think about this: nearly 63 million jobs are provided by air travel, making aviation a key component in global business. Aside from the economy factor, today more than ever people are willing to invest their savings into traveling as opposed to spend money shopping or going out locally. Young people in their 20”s and 30”s see travel as the best investment of their money, in exchange for cultural experiences. According to the United Nations, young people generate $180 billion annually in tourism revenue. What’s surprising is that today more than ever people are willing to travel despite any economic uncertainty. Reason being, tourists want to see and explore as many different cultures as they can, something they can’t do from the comfort of their own home.

Tourism is quickly becoming the world’s largest industry and air transport plays a vital role in supporting this sector. Conservative analysis suggests that aviation supports $892.4 billion in economic activity within the tourism industry.

The Future of Aviation

Going even further, aviation has developed much further than we ever
thought it could. Private space travel is already today’s reality. In 2001, Dennis
Tito got to experience travelling to space, and as he would recall ten years
later, it was the happiest day of his life. With constantly evolving technology
space travel will become more accessible soon enough. Richard Branson
launched Virgin Galactic in 2004. The company offers suborbital space flights
to tourists, as well as suborbital launches for science missions. Another
breakthrough in space technology was developed by Elon Musk. SpaceX,
founded in 2002, became the first provider to be able
to launch and recover a spacecraft from orbit. We
can only expect that space tourism will become the
next most wanted attraction in no time. According
to Wired, Uber’s flying cars could arrive in Dubai
and Texas by 2020. More importantly, Uber has
signed deals with five companies that are developing
electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft:
Pentagon-backed Aurora Flight Sciences, electric
plane maker Pipistrel, Bell Helicopter, Embraer, and
small plane maker Mooney.

Problems & Solutions

Despite the fact that we came so far in exploring space, there are still issues to be dealt with in air travel. With over 100,000 flights made daily, serving over 2 million people, safety is still a major concern.

Advantages of blockchain

  1. A solid, distributed, inviolable and cryptographically secure database.
  2. The chain of blocks stores the encrypted code of the documents, and once saved, the data is recorded forever.
  3. The perfect place to store property rights, credentials, identities (of objects or people), agreements between parties, transmissions and transactions.
  4. No one can falsify, bribe or hack the data inscribed in the blocks of blockchain. Transaction hisory is transparent to all users.
  5. Blockchain supports Smart Contracts, which is a computer protocol that facilitates, verifies, enforces agreements and execution of a contract in an automatic and transparent way.

Falsification of data would be no longer a concern with the development of
blockchain. Advantages of the blockchain system are that information is
safely stored and completely transparent to all the users. It is secured by
a multi-sig authentication system, preventing any alteration of vital data.

Our aim is to create “airline in a pocket” — a smart blockchain based solution.
The way it works is simple. The pilot’s application is used by a pilot for
personal flight logging. The company application collects and verifies data
from aircraft operators, maintenance organizations, flight schools and fixed
base operators. In case of any mismatch in data between any Aeron data
source with either the Air Traffic Control, pilot, or operator, aviation
authorities can quickly detect and eliminate the problem. Aviation authorities
can also detect any pilots operating with an expired license. As a consumer,
or flight school student, you have access to the verified global database
through Blockchain can really make a difference. Air travel is
for everyone, and it is beneficial for every single person to get involved in
making trips safer.

How it Works?

In case of any mismatch in data between any Aeron data source with either the ATC, pilot, or operator, aviation authorities can quickly detect and eliminate the problem. Aviation authorities can also detect any pilots operating with an expired license.

Company Application

Maintenance Organizations log service data and submit to blockchain through the company application.
Aircraft Operators log flight data and submit to blockchain through the company application.
Fixed Base Operators submit airport services data to blockchain through the company application.

  1. Pilot Application
    Pilots are able to log flight hours and submit data. The pilot app also offers a loyalty program and gives access to the best curated offers.
  2. Air Traffic Control
    In select locations, Air Traffic Control data is processed through Data Hub automatically and verifies log entries made by Pilots and Companies (to confirm the actual flight took place).
  3. Consumer
    Passengers and flight school students can access validated global database of aviation services through

AERON (ARN) Token Sale

To further develop and launch our products, we introduce Aeron (ARN) utility token and conduct a Token Sale. We invite you to take part in building solution for safer aviation practices. Once the sale is completed, the token will be listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges to ensure liquidity.

Tokens will be distributed as follows:

Aeron utility token will enable a thriving, self-sustaining ecosystem around the database and token holders:

  1. Get profit with growth of ARN token market value
  2. Use ARN to pay for flight booking and Aeron services
  3. ARN will be convertible to BTC and ETH on exchanges



Aeron’s ambition is to make flying safer with the latest blockchain technology. That will take experience, connections, and resources.We welcome your interest and support!

More information about the project about AERON, Visit their Website below here;

My Bitcointalk Link Profile:;u=1003566

Thank you.

