Why, How, and What I Write

Paul McManus
2 min readJun 9, 2023


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

I’m a Newtonian dot connector in that I stand on the shoulders of giants and connect the dots between the ideas of others that have come before me. I pay homage here to the theorists, practitioners, and colleagues on both sides of arguments who illuminate my path of learning about strategy, innovation, and the world around us as applied to the role of business in society, personal career choices, and life in general.

I publish here to bring discipline to my writing.

I write to deepen my learning.

I learn to advance my teaching.

I teach to foster growth in others.

I extend my reach to others through publishing.

I publish here to bring discipline to my writing. And so it goes…

These writings synthesize my own experience with the work of others and reframe common beliefs, conventional wisdom, and dominant logic through the lens of the contrarian searching for unconventional insights.

Powerful digital tools support all phases of this work. Over the years, I have settled into using Obsidian over Roam as my front-end note capture, synthesis, and outlining platform due to its superior graphing ability and cost. At the same time, new and rapidly improving language tools such as ChatGPT, Language Tool and others support discovery, development, drafting, and final polishing. As a result, you may hear the undertones of an AI in some passages. That said, I don’t use fully automated AI tools such as Scalenut, as I like to be involved in my writing.

Why I Haiku

I often choose to write sparingly to maximize ROT (Return-on-Time) and am often employ the 17-syllable format of the ancient haiku as the path to finding the essence of my thoughts.

As a novice, I’ll admit the poetry may not be good, but the reader can have confidence that the content is derived from qualified, reputable, and referenceable sources.



Paul McManus

I teach, advise and write about innovative strategies for builder and leaders operating in extraordinary times.