NVT pointing to a deeper Bitcoin correction

Pedro M. Fernandez
2 min readJul 18, 2019


NVT has exited the Over-Bought condition after 3 months. And this event offers multiple layers for interpretation:

  • The local top at $13k-$14k got confirmed by the NVT.
  • Looking back in history, we see that after this event happened a severe correction was due along the next weeks/months, pushing price down between 50%-70% which would bring us into the $4k-7$k range.

Alternatively, a more classical interpretation could suggest that not so deep retracements are needed to alleviate the overextension.

NVT chart
NVT Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/x/RyC5loBY/

To the point that the Bitcoin network matures, the corrections might soften compared to the ones we’ve experienced in the past.

Therefore we have 2 scenarios to consider:

  1. This time is NOT different scenario, which would bring BTC back into the $4k-$7k range.
  2. And the This time IS different scenario, which would be content with a softer correction and seeing BTC bottoming in $8k area.

Please note that both scenarios assume printing a higher low above the $3,100 December lows.

So, all in all, that’s a good thing to build a proper market structure to support the next up move beyond all-time highs at $20k.

NOTE: I’ve plotted the information on a 3-day chart for better visualization. But the NVT data is based on daily candles.



Pedro M. Fernandez

Entrepreneur, Trader, Market Analyst, TRIer and Reality Hacker :)