AI and the Future of Gaming: An Industry in Flux

Bisma Farrukh
8 min readJun 6, 2023

You’ve probably noticed some big changes happening in the gaming world recently. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are transforming the industry in major ways. Everything from how games are developed to how we play them is being disrupted by AI. The gaming experience you know and love today will likely look very different in just a few years.

Photo by Mateo on Unsplash

As an avid gamer, this is exciting but also a bit scary. Will AI make games too easy or take away the human element? Will your favorite franchises be unrecognizable? The good news is developers and companies are taking a balanced approach, using AI to enhance games rather than replace the human experience. AI can help create richer storylines, smarter NPCs, and hyper-realistic environments. But human creators, designers, and players will still be at the heart of gaming.

The gaming industry is in flux, but one thing is clear: AI will shape the future of how we build and play games. The technology is here to stay, so we might as well embrace it. AI will undoubtedly transform gaming in the coming years, but it can’t replicate the human imagination, creativity, and passion that originally built this industry. As AI enters the gaming world, the human element will be more crucial than ever.

AI Systems That Can Generate Game Worlds



Bisma Farrukh

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