Building an AI Traffic System With Python

If you’re interested in building your own AI traffic system with Python, you’ve come to the right place. I’ll cover Clustering, Probabilistic reasoning, Intelligent traffic light controlling, and ANN models. All of these concepts are used to develop a traffic-signal control product. To get started, you’ll need a Raspberry Pie or a similar computer. Then, you’ll need to package two-Machine Learning models and the AWS DeepLens camera. Once that’s done, all you need is a Raspberry Pi or similar device and the cloud infrastructure.

Bisma Farrukh
5 min readMay 14, 2022
Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash


The use of clustering in an AI traffic system can help identify fraudulent driving behavior. A clustering algorithm to group similar data points together and then uses their characteristics to classify the real activity. In some cases, you may want to use clustering to find the most profitable customer segments. Using Python, you can easily develop and train your clustering algorithm by following some simple steps. In this article, I’ll describe how to use…



Bisma Farrukh

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