Community Tech — Open Working

2 min readOct 10, 2023


The Purge

Have you ever felt frustrated with systems and structures that don’t work for you?

Have you felt the collective frustration of people who are like you?

I see you nodding your head. You feel me.

In response to this frustration, I started my private limited company Stimulus. With the ambition to simplify structures, processes, and cultures for individuals and organisations.

Of course, it wasn’t that simple for me! Especially trying to get companies to invest in developing Black & Minoritised Ethnic (BME) professional women.

It kinda made sense to me. I mean, investing in their team could only benefit the company, right?

After much banging of the head against a brick wall, a colleague and I set up Women Rise Up CIC.

The sole purpose of this nonprofit is to invest in unleashing the potential each BME woman has.

Potential that has been suppressed by cultural, systemic, and structural inequalities; racism, sexism, and discrimination.

An image of Audre Lorde with the quote There is no Hierarchy of Oppressions

The Dream

In these times a smartphone is an extension of our being especially for a busy professional.

What if BME women in the workplace had a tech solution on their smartphones that gave them a nudge, support, encouragement, and even help with prep before a difficult conversation, or an interview… the possibilities are endless.

Various rejected applications later, I came across the Discovery Fund. Here’s Power to Change making radical investments in Community Tech AND with the focus on discovery and design phases only.

Dreams do come true! Sorry cringe cliché!

A woman at a desk in front of a computer with her head back asleep.
Dreaming gracefully ;)

The Panic

Of course, I submitted the application. Forgot about it. Came back to checking my email every day. I annoyed myself and decided not to check for a fortnight.

Fornight later, I’ve missed the Kick-off session, acceptance deadline and so much more.

Yes, there was panic! Pure palpable panic.

A quick email to Fergus got me back on track. I swiftly did all the stuff I needed to do.

Everyone is so welcoming, compassionate, and understanding.

My friend and former colleague Liz did a Digital Fellowship with CAST a few years ago. I felt envy but couldn’t put my finger on it. Now I know why.

This is a space where there is generosity of sharing and learning. Plus community tech just gives me the warm fuzzies.

A fluffy kitten with the caption makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside

