Human Bill of Rights Guidelines for Fairness & Intimacy

Penelope Ryder
2 min readDec 26, 2021

Many of us have not gotten off lightly; be it under the same roof with a parental figure or other. We have been trained to accept the unacceptable and it also seems to be human contains a modicum of trauma.

In my own search to become whole again, I found Pete Walker's work in November 2017.

The book that was a game-changer for me having Complex PTSD issues was “Complex PTSD from Surviving to Thriving” I have put Pete’s link below.

Linking into our now; many people have been traumatised by the current state of affairs and events. 2020 and 2021 have been hard on many souls and we forget that we have basic human rights.

Below is a list from Pete Walker's webpage as a reminder to us all that human rights are real and must be upheld:

Human Bill of Rights Guidelines for Fairness & Intimacy

  1. I have the right to be treated with respect.
  2. I have the right to say no.
  3. I have the right to make mistakes.
  4. I have the right to reject unsolicited advice or feedback.
  5. I have the right to negotiate for change.
  6. I have the right to change my mind or my plans.
  7. I have a right to change my circumstances or course of action.
  8. I have the right to have my own feelings, beliefs, opinions, preferences, etc.
  9. I have the right to protest sarcasm, destructive criticism, or unfair treatment.
  10. I have a right to feel angry and to express it non-abusively.
  11. I have a right to refuse to take responsibility for anyone else’s problems.
  12. I have a right to refuse to take responsibility for anyone’s bad behavior.
  13. I have a right to feel ambivalent and to occasionally be inconsistent.
  14. I have a right to play, waste time and not always be productive.
  15. I have a right to occasionally be childlike and immature.
  16. I have a right to complain about life’s unfairness and injustices.
  17. I have a right to occasionally be irrational in safe ways.
  18. I have a right to seek healthy and mutually supportive relationships.
  19. I have a right to ask friends for a modicum of help and emotional support.
  20. I have a right to complain and verbally ventilate in moderation.
  21. I have a right to grow, evolve and prosper.

~ Pete Walker MA

I applaud Pete Walker for his groundbreaking work and for helping people unravel past pain. His work taught helped me to integrate a healthier way of being and living.

Pete’s web site link

My link fo contact and for working with me



Penelope Ryder

Writer, clinical hypnotherapist, trauma researcher, ally and advocate.