Fairy Penguinos Builder Tribe

Fairy Penguinos
3 min readNov 17, 2022


Every Fairy Penguino is part of their own tribe they are born into. You can read it in brief here, in Part III of Who are The Fairy Penguinos?

The tribe symbol for Builder

In short detail, when a Fairy Penguino is born (they are born spontaneously, randomly assigned to a Penguino and appear as an egg) the egg that was assigned to the Penguino will usually match that tribe of the assigned Penguino (egg-caregiver) or a closely related tribe. All Penguinos are cousins but some are even more closely related than the other due to the way tribes are set up.

Now that we have gone over all Fairy Penguinos character files, which you can read all here:

Fairy Penguinos Character File Quick Links
Lil ‘P

or on the official website, I introduce the Tribes!

I go over the Builder Tribe in this article, which is the tribe Lil ‘P is from!

The symbol of the Builders tribe is a pillar with the Fairy Penguino’s universal symbol of engineering in the center. The Builder Tribe make every structure for Fairy Penguinos to live in. They make all the huts, they maintain the huts, they plan the living area for towns, and they carry out all logistics for anything building related! They also are tasked with building the spaceships and furnishing them for long missions and travels. As that is, the Builder Tribe has the most Fairy Penguinos of all tribes. They are the structural support for the entire Fairy Penguino species and without them, the civilization would be a little chaotic.

Fairy Penguino huts (where they make their personal home)

Lil ‘P has a very industrious nature. Although Lil ‘P likes other hobbies and activities (singing and dancing, plus cooking), Lil ‘P knows the duty that must be performed and that is to uphold the maintenance of structures where Lil ‘P is directed to and to help build these structures, procure the materials required, whether through acquisition missions to other planets, or by producing them with other Penguinos. That’s the day in the life of a Builder Tribe Fairy Penguino! Thanks to Lil ‘P’s nature helped molded by the Builder Tribe innate abilities, Lil ‘P is always ready to help out a Penguino in need in any facet of life, not just building! And so many other Builder Tribe Penguinos have the same nature.

Some Builder Tribe Penguinos have a knack for design as well. Evident by Lil ‘P’s hut abode, Lil ‘P has excellent design choice. In the New Zealand hut, Lil ‘P designed it, and even the scale textured floors. Lil ‘P was inspired by the fish and the blue beautiful waves from the ocean in designing this hut. Builder Tribes also can sew and weave if they so choose to learn this trade beyond their regular building, and so Lil ‘P did this with creating the rugs and wall tapestries of Lil ‘P’s hut. Lil ‘P also helped design Bell and Luther’s hut!

That’s just a little peak into the Builder Tribe. As I draw more pictures of how the tribes are, I’ll continue to add more facts and information!

More to come! 👽



Fairy Penguinos

I’m creator of Fairy Penguinos. Welcome to the space opera world of Fairy Penguinos. Enjoy! 👽