Ageism Exists But Isn’t Acknowledged

6 min readJul 24, 2018

Let’s take a look at how life is for older people

Photo by Thomas Hafeneth on Unsplash

Our society turns a blind eye to discrimination against older people. Probably because people fear old age and the death that follows it. Each of us can help get rid of this inequality. Below I explore problems that I see happening with the older generation.

1. Older people are often spoken to in a condescending way.

When I was on a “coach” (i.e. bus) tour of Wales and Ireland, I witnessed the tour guide doing this to the retired folk. I was in my thirties, and it rankled watching this happen. Don’t treat older people like they’re lacking in intelligence.

2. Small homes may be attractive by choice but not by circumstance

While young people think that living in small spaces is cool, for many retired people it’s the only way they can have a home. If you haven’t managed to pay off a house or something’s gone awry like a flood or a fire then you could find yourself without a home. These people end up in RVs or vans acting as camp hosts in parks. That way they don’t have to pay rent. They may or may not get paid as well.

I was travelling around in my small RV, and was curious about a phone installed on the Rio Grande Gorge…




Carolyn Pullman - Travel videographer emphasizing nature and art. #travel #nature #art #creativity #lifelessons.